How kinesiology can help your heart-centred business

When I first started my business, I didn’t even realise I was starting a business

I just thought I was working as a nutritionist, while finishing up my herbs and naturopathy study so that I could expand my practice.

Sure, that was one side of it, but I was also doing so much more; I was building and running a practice as a nutritionist, which meant I was officially a business owner.

Those first few weeks were a heady mix of excitement, nerves, uncertainty and pure overwhelm.

I had so many questions, and although I had an amazing mentor in my clinic director (who owned the space in which I was renting my own clinic room), she wasn’t a nutritionist or naturopath, so our businesses were very different, and I still had to face a lot of big decisions on my own.

Fast forward about two years, and I began studying kinesiology, a powerful yet gentle energetic healing modality. This was something I’d wanted to add to my practice (and life) for years, and now the time was right.


By adding kinesiology into my business and life, things started to rapidly shift and change for me

Kinesiology helped me become fully aligned to my business, vision and purpose … and most importantly, to myself.

What is kinesiology?

Through the art of muscle testing, we tap into your body’s innate healing ability and allow your subconscious stresses to come to the surface.

When it comes to your business growth, this allows us to pinpoint any blocks or imbalances in your business, body, mind and spirit (or anywhere else in your life) that may be holding you back from feeling clear, aligned and focused.


Kinesiology brings awareness to what is keeping you feeling stuck or blocked, and then directs us to exactly what your body needs or wants in order to release the blocks. You’re then able to more freely move toward your dreams and goals, your desires and intentions, without dragging around uncertainty, confusion or overwhelm in the process.

Kinesiology has been one of the biggest drivers in my business. If I’m feeling unsure, stuck, burnt out, overwhelmed or confused, I turn to kinesiology.

If I’m not sure in which direction I want to head, when I should block out some time in my calendar, or even how to structure a blog post (or what to write!), I turn to kinesiology.

If something is bothering me, and I can’t quite put my finger on what it is, I turn to kinesiology.

If things are just feeling out of whack, misaligned or something feels stuck, it’s kinesiology that helps me find my momentum again.


Here are some ways kinesiology can help you and your heart-centred business:

When you feel stuck, kinesiology will help you tap into the underlying source of why, and help you shift it.

When you feel uncomfortable, kinesiology will help you remember you’re simply growing.

When you feel confused, kinesiology will bring the simplest, most direct and easeful answer to the surface.

When you feel overwhelmed, kinesiology will help you remember that simplifying is within your reach.

When you’re comparing yourself to others, kinesiology will help you come back down to yourself, lift the judgement, shame and blame, and get centred and grounded in you; your purpose, mission, unique skills and voice. You’ll remember that being you is the best way to be.

When you feel unsupported, kinesiology will reconnect you to your truth, your higher purpose and your vision. You’ll remember why you started, and you’ll know how to keep going. You’ll trust you’re supported, always.

When you lose faith, kinesiology will help you feel certain again. You’ll blink your eyes open and even though you can’t see the future, you’ll know it’s a bright one.

When you wish you had a crystal ball, kinesiology will remind you that trusting is one of your most important assets.

When you need to pick yourself up again after a particularly tough lesson, you’ll be able to. Slowly, or quickly. But always gently.

When your expectations aren’t met, kinesiology will help you let go.

When you’re burning out and pushing yourself too hard, kinesiology will help you remember it’s okay to slow down, guide you into aligning your energy, help you fall into your own natural rhythms and cycles again, and stop pushing,

When you feel you need to rush, kinesiology will help you feel very okay in being exactly where you are, right now.


If you’re wanting to grow your heart-centred business from a space of ease, flow and alignment, kinesiology is for you.

And, I’d love to work with you.

We can work together in my Business Alignment Program, to help you elevate your business and align your energy.

And if this program isn’t for you but you’d still love to work together to align your energy, find flow in your business and get clear on your purpose, we can work together in 1:1 sessions.




I’m Cassie Mendoza-Jones

My work is for you if you’re ready to change your beliefs about what’s possible for you.

It’s time to clear away your blocks, align your energy, and call your power back to you.

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