Grow a sustainable and spacious business from your enoughness.

An intimate group coaching program for ambitious coaches, healers, wellness practitioners, and leaders desiring beautiful business results with less pressure and perfectionism, creating calmer energy and clearer action.

It's never solely your actions that create your next level business, nor is it a 'perfect' business plan over your belief 
But I bet you've spent a ton of time and energy taking more action, downloading the latest 'cheat sheet' or wondering if you're missing something that everyone else seems to just 'get'.

Constantly looking outside of yourself or wondering if you're doing enough to grow your beautiful business drains you of your creative force, power and flow.

(Ask me how I know ;)

The truth (that's in your reach) is: There’s a version of your biz that feels easier to be in, more fun to grow and expand, and wayyyy lighter on your system (think: less mind drama, less stressing, less perfectionism, less comparison… I could go on).

There are more clients who can’t wait to work with you.

More ideas that want to flow to you.

More income generated by your value and gifts.

And more impact you can make, simply by being (all of) yourself.

Hey, hey... I'm Cassie Mendoza-Jones, a business coach and kinesiologist with 13+ years experience (and a lifetime of being an entrepreneur), and helping you find enoughness in your being and your biz, trust yourself more deeply, and release a ton of worry so you expand your business into its next level with calm energy and clear action, is my jam.

Literally none of the business growth you're working towards requires you to work harder than you already are, extract from yourself more than you already are, or be harder on yourself than you already are.  
In fact, it’s truly the opposite.

Your next level requires you to come into a deeper relationship with the enoughness that’s already inside you.

You probably need to do less than you are right now, but with more self-trust.

You probably need to simplify your business’ structures and offers, with more trust in the value you offer.

You probably need to allow yourself to witness, claim and step into everything you’ve already created, with less shaming or minimising your successes (or going over and over and over your perceived failures and shortcomings). 

And you almost certainly need to release some (most?!) of the pressure you’re placing on yourself, amp up the joy within your processes so you can enjoy the day-to-day of your biz, trust yourself to make solid business decisions that align with your desired growth path, and take more ownership of how worthy and brilliant you and your business are, today.

(Not if/when/but… but fully and completely now, and in this moment.)

Calmer success, rooted in deep belief
This workhoned, refined and expanded and then distilled through years of running this programstems from the base of valuing yourself and your work more deeply, expanding your current capacity in all the ways that matter the most, and upleveling your beliefs to support the new reality you're calling in. All of this, supported by calming energy balancing and deep clearing work to make the work, work even better. 

As a business coach and kinesiologist, one of my superpowers lies in landing on the place where your belief is low, your internal pressure is high, and your value is being overshadowed by your impossibly high self-standards... and helping you shift and soften this, so you can take the clearest next step, with a calm, grounded and confident energy. 

Through deep and clear belief work, energetic adjustments and attunements, and body-guided strategy tweaks, my clients experience massive shifts and results, without working harder, or adding a thousand things to do their to do list.

  • I reckon you're probably overcomplicating things, when really, simplicity in business is an underrated superpower. 

  • I believe your business can reflect your unique magic, unfolding at your own pace, even if a part of you wishes to be further ahead.

  • I don't think you need to work harder for your biz to feel lighter and be more fun, more profitable, and more impactful.

  • I don't think you need to post on social media a thousand times a day, spend hours crafting the 'perfect' business model or treat your clients like 'leads' and 'prospects' in order to 'convert them'.

  • I believe you can do your business, in your way, to suit your current season of life, with midday walks and lunch breaks and time to enjoy your life, too.

  • I believe that you are so ready for what you want in your biz, sans perfectionism, and your next (well, first!) step is to believe it.  

And the belief is where we begin, always.

This is where I help you clear years of low-belief baggage.

This is where I hold you in the energy of your highest potential, even (or especially) on the days you waver in waters of uncertainty and scarcity.

And this is how I guide you from (over)thinking your next move, to finding the next step aligned with your biggest biz goals.

From a calm, embodied and body-led space, you step into the enoughness that makes biz growth feel so much easier on your entire system.

This bespoke, intimate mastermind isn't just mindset work.

It's deep belief work that doesn't make you the problem.
It's potent energy balancing that works without effort.
It's streamlined strategy without the stuff you don't want to do.

Through this work, you heal your relationship with your enoughness, your value, your gifts and your magic... and then expand this into your relationship with your business, and your community and industry.

Then, with a deeper, calmer confidence, your next steps become a clear expression of your big biz desires, and the growth that feels outside, comes in.

Full of processes and practices to bring you back to your power center for a deeper business growth experience, alongside impactful trainings, masterclasses and a supportive monthly call cycle (including private calls with me), you’ll understand why so many of clients have stayed on for 1-2 years in this space. 

It looks like business coaching, and it feels like energetic alignment, deeper enoughness, and momentum that feels like magic. 

Through the processes and practices within, this mastermind has supported my clients to:

👉🏻 Become fully booked (with a waitlist)
👉🏻 Sign new clients into programs before they’ve launched,
👉🏻 Sell out full-day workshops
👉🏻 Simplify powerful offerings and sell them without overthinking or overworking
👉🏻 Get hired for multiple, well-paying speaking gigs
👉🏻 Have their biggest months ever
👉🏻 Start podcasts and write books
👉🏻 Prep their businesses for maternity leave with spaciousness and trust
👉🏻 Increase their pricing (and sign new clients right away)
👉🏻 Stop working nights and weekends... and so much more. 

Here's why you might join me in this space:
  • More than anything else, you’re ready to trust yourself and your business decisions, without landing yourself in the comparison trap or twinging your neck because you’re looking across at your peers' paths so much. You know that trusting yourself is paramount to running the business you desire so deeply.

  • You’re ready to trust your business even more too (even if you don't know how, yet), and drop the mindset that you’re the one holding everything up. It’s time to co-create.

  • You know what flow feels like in your biz and you're ready for the next phase of your business expansion. You desire growth not only in terms of metrics (clients, income, profit), but energetics too; visibility, magnetism, and impact.

  • You want to create more structure, stability and sustainability in your business, without needing to constantly rely on launches that stress you out (and also, let's work on that, so your launches can feel easier, lighter, and more peaceful).

  • You've been in your business for long enough to know that you can create really great results for your 1:1 clients, and you’re ready for more of this, please.

  • You’re looking to take your group coaching work to another level. You know your work is so good (I mean, most of the time, until imposter syndrome shows up for a quick cup of tea, gah) and you want to share it with more amazing clients. You see yourself holding space for larger groups of clients, with clear and simple processes and systems that serve the ecosystem of your business, without requiring you to keep a million balls in the air.

  • You’re ready for a stronger and more confident self-concept, as it relates to being an entrepreneur and service-provider. You’ve done so much healing inner work, and sometimes imposter syndrome, self-doubt and comparison still creep in (because you’re human!) and you’re so ready for skilling up in showing up through all seasons and emotions of being human.

  • Perhaps you’ve been experiencing steady growth and you're wondering... where to from here? You need the energetic support of integrating this expansion and matching your beliefs and self-concept to what's here in front of you. 

  • You’re ready to refine and deepen your incredible offers that feel light on your system, that feel like home to you first, and that allow you to serve your clients without over-giving or over-working to the point of burnout.

  • You’re ready to clarify and relaunch that amazing program, offer or course that’s been sitting gathering dust on your digital shelves, without reinventing the wheel or adding a thousand more resources to it. Maybe it’s time to pitch this to organisations and companies to add a speaking gig arm to your biz?

  • You don’t believe you need the perfect ‘ideal client avatar’ to call in amazing clients, and you’re ready to fall into step even more deeply with your messaging and the energy of your best-fit clients, through marketing that feels like fun and acts like a magnet.

  • You want to feel more spacious with your time; you have so many exciting projects and plans, and trusting your next step while placing your attention where it's most impactful is high on your list, without working until your bum feels numb in your desk chair.

  • You're ready to claim that you'requite simplyready for more. You know that what you're working towards is so possible for you. You're done with feeling like there's a huge gap to bridge (and sometimes, no matter how much you do achieve, it still doesn't feel like it's enough—this is what we heal, first).
Less effort, more energetics
 Here's how we'll flow:
 We begin at 10am on Thurs 5 Sept, 2024, which starts our 6 months together. ON THAT NOTE: Jump on the waitlist for the next round here.

⇢ Our first month is designed with weekly calls, like an extended supercharged business retreat, to align you with new beliefs, clarify and land on the energetics, specifics and strategy for your offers, messaging, marketing momentum and more, moving you through powerful core concepts and getting you set up for an impactful and potent 6 months together.

⇢ Then we move into a structured monthly call cycle as follows:

Week 1: Coaching Call, hot-seat coaching on whatever is most pressing and important for you.

Week 2: Expander Session, moving you through a deep-dive workshop with a specific focus, theme and outcome.

Week 3: Hangout & Heal, our collective kinesiology and energy balancing call to release, integrate and align for the month to come.

Week 4: Space for integration, and/or your 1:1 call/s (which can be booked any week of the month).


Group coaching calls take place on Thursdays at 10am Sydney time, and run for 90mins.

1:1 calls take place on Wednesdays or Thursdays (between 9am - 3pm AEST).

Everything is housed in a beautiful membership portal,
complete with robust resources, trainings with clear pathways, energy clearings, and masterclasses to support every aspect of your biz, mindset and energy expansion, a private podcast with trainings and all call replays, as well as a private community space for coaching and connection.

Simple, sustainable and spacious business growth starts with simple, sustainable and spacious support.  
Here's why it's a great idea to work with me 🙌🏻

I’m a business coach, kinesiologist, NLP practitioner, naturopath, author and speaker and I've been doing this work for 13+ years.

I've worked with thousands of clients, supporting them to expand their self-concept, grow their biz, and build their body of work... and I've worked on myself to make this possible (and inevitable)

I help you find all the places that are feeling stuck or heavy in your business (because of perfectionism, low-belief baggage, overthinking, or trying to find the ‘one right perfect’ decision to make) and help you make your business feel light, and bright, and easy on your system.

Which means… your business can grow in all the places where it felt stunted before, and do more with you, and for you… than ever before.

I've written for countless publications, been interviewed on multiple podcasts, and launched two of my own. I've written 3 books (published by Hay House), and published my own energy balancing cards. I've been flown overseas for a writing project, and interstate to speak at events. I've been hired for 5-figure corporate events, hosted sold-out workshops and gone on book tours around the country.

My biz maintains 6-figure years, 5-figure launches, and I've had two beautiful babies and built my biz back up abundantly, after two maternity leaves.

I'm really good at what I do, and owning the value you bring is something I want to help you see for yourself, too.

Let's do this (together).

Biz expansion from enoughness
Pricing is in AUD and includes GST for Aussies.
Want to chat with me first? Book a call here.
You're in good company
I really honour myself and the work I've done, but I'm really not sure if I could have made it here without Cass' love, support and guidance.

Working with her has been an absolute dream.

Our weekly calls are filled with support, love, authenticity, vulnerability and pure magic.

Cass' modality, techniques and support have allowed me to reconnect to myself, become a more present mother and grow two businesses (a counselling business and an e-commerce business).

Cass does not use a one size fits all approach, each session have allowed us to receive the support we personally need and outside of the weekly sessions, there is plenty of bonuses in podcast episodes, worksheets, masterclasses and one-on-one support in a private Facebook group.

The growth I’ve felt over the last 12 months is phenomenal. I knew I’d come so far already, but the last 12 months, I feel like I’ve catapulted so far, so quickly. I can’t believe the things I’ve created. The things I’ve healed. The people I’ve helped. The impact I’ve made. The mother, business owner, partner and human being I’ve grown into. Everything feels amazing right now.

This is the person I dreamt of becoming.

The person sitting here right here, right now, this is the Shorina I dreamt of.

I am so excited to continue working with Cass in the future. She is truly a wealth of knowledge!

- SHORINA PAGE, Founder of Mindful Soul Collective & Bras by S

Listen to my podcast episode with Shorina about building a stronger base.

I'm not even sure where to begin to talk about how amazing and healing this program has been for me...  I feel like I never want to leave this space and just work and play in it forever. Can you never not run the Mastermind?!

I know without a shadow of a doubt you have changed the trajectory of my business. What an amazing experience this has been.

I knew the minute I signed up it would be amazing. But the experience, your support and the way you have shown up for each of us has exceeded my expectations.

I've never been a part of a group experience that didn't feel like a 'group'.

You have taken so much time to understand each of us, what we need and how to support us individually. There have been so many opportunities to get support.

It's like any question I've had has been answered.

The belief I have in myself has deepened, I feel like I can recognise and move through blocks in ways I couldn't before (so many great new tools!).

There's this lovely balance beginning to take shape where I believe in the success I'm working towards, but trusting my pace and that where I am is enough. I know this is going to be the key to even deeper joy and satisfaction from my business from here.

- ANNABELLE MATSON, Coach, Podcast Host & Breathwork Practitioner

Listen to my podcast episode with Annabelle about finding more success and joy.

With a framework for biz growth and expansion through the lens of expanding your enoughness, your capacity, and your belief in yourself, here's how we do this:
Core Concept Training
We spend our first month together, moving through potent core concept trainings, to set you up for a powerful 6 months together.

You'll set and align with your biggest big goals, map your spacious business growth plan, refine your offers, connect with your best-fit clients, deepen your messaging, begin generating and clarifying your marketing momentum, and land on your most expansive and easy-to-receive pricing, all while beginning to work with simple energy balancing tools, processes and practices, for calmer biz growth.

Group Coaching 
We meet for weekly coaching calls 3 times a month (4 times a month in any 5-week months), and move through all the things that feel sticky or stuck, to find and generate the flow that lies beneath.

After our initial concept training calls, we move into a monthly call cycle of bring-anything-to-the-table coaching calls, expansion workshops, and healing sessions, which adds a clear intention, focus and flow to our calls, creating a deeper mastermind experience, with the last week of the month being for integration and/or a 1:1 call. (1:1s can be booked any week of the month though.)
Monthly 1:1 Sessions
Receive a private session each month: 30min/month in the Aligned tier, 60min/month in the Unstoppable tier, and 3 x 60min calls in the Expanded tier.

These calls are for bespoke business deep-dives, kinesiology balancing, emotional and energetic clearing work, mindset and strategy support, as well as implementation and done-with-you content creation and writing (sales pages, pitches).

These dedicated you-time sessions will leave you feeling clear, calm, and focused, so you can take action with confidence.
Lessons Library
Our lessons library is full of pre-recorded coaching videos and accompanying worksheets, that make up the core concepts and framework of the mastermind.

These lessons and trainings will 
help you see yourself, your business, and your relationship with your clients, money, pricing, success and taking up space, radically change.

It's an ever-growing, deeply nourishing and extensive (yet, simple!) library of lessons, frameworks, energy balancing tools, mindset-calming-and-clarifying worksheets, nervous system resetting and embodiment practices, kinesiology technique videos, business-expanding processes and state-shifting visualisations.

As one mastermind client put it, it's like having me and the mastermind goodness 'on tap'.  
Kinesiology & Energy Balancing
Blending business coaching with kinesiology is my jam. You'll find kinesiology practices and techniques woven into our coaching calls and lessons library.

I use my own kinesiology balancing processes and practices throughout our work together too, helping you pinpoint the energy and emotion that's underneath what you're experiencing, and supporting you to embody it or release it to support your next step. 

Bonus Workshops & Masterclasses
You'll receive access to some beautiful bonuses too, like my beloved Hello Book, It's Me book writing workshop, Start to Scale workshop, a Receive & Rise masterclass + collective kinesiology balance, and more, to flow through at your convenience, if desired.

A Loving Community
In our private Facebook group, we meet, reflect, share, celebrate and ask for coaching.

This energy extends into every group call and interaction, where we sit with each other through all the big, the good, the hard and the goose-bumpy moments. Lots of tears and laughs included.

Private Portal & Private Podcast
Oh and everything is housed in a beautiful membership portal, with all call recordings, bonus audio lessons, embodiment practices and visualisations going up on our private podcast, so you can tune in and catch up on replays at your own convenience.
Growth, from enoughness.
Pricing is in AUD and includes GST for Aussies.
Want to chat with me first? Book a call here.

Cass is pure magic! And so is the space she holds within the Aligned & Unstoppable Mastermind. I’m so glad I said yes and was part of it.

– KAREN HARRISON, Reiki Master Teacher & Holistic Coach

No more working at 110% and still thinking you’re not doing enough. 

No more over-thinking, over-working, or over-giving.

More backing your decisions with power, more belief in the value you offer, and more trusting that you’re doing exactly what you need to do, to call in what you’re desiring and dreaming about.

From the moment you begin this work, you'll begin to:

Change your beliefs about what’s possible for yourself, while  calming your nervous system and expanding your capacity to receive what you desire.
Re-write (and re-wiring) the way you want to do business... in ways that feel good to your mind, body, nervous system, soul, biz.
Step fully into your gifts, value, and magic, transmuting comparison and imposter syndrome so you can take up space from your enoughness.
Connect more deeply with your intuition and your voice, receiving the next level and iteration of your gifts, and building your body of work.
Because you're driven, devoted, and honouring your dreams, you're already tapped into what's possible for you.

Now it's about:
  • Building your belief base for calmer biz growth. No matter what you want to create in your business, we have to begin with your beliefs. This is where we start, and how we keep going. Release years of low-belief baggage and the ‘coulda, woulda, shoulda’ vibes that don’t honour the you you were when you made past choices... so you can take the most congruent next step, now.

  • Deep energy balancing that heals, uplifts and magnetises. Move through one of many energy balancing processes and techniques to support deep shifts in your inner and outer state, alleviate pressure and perfectionism, clear overwhelm and looping thoughts, and create a lighter, more enjoyable business. Ah, exhale.

  • Loving the clients you're calling in, and doing so with much more ease. You can energetically and magnetically call in more of your people, because of who you are, not what you do; clients who say things like ‘I’m so happy I found you’ and ‘When can we start?’. You'll craft your own Client Creating Formula so you more deeply understand your inner process for booking clients, so you can do it again and again. 

  • Offer alignment with simplicity and spaciousness, that synchronises with your current season, no burnout needed. You'll craft offers effortlessly, so they feel light on your system. Loving what you create is the key to calling in clients without needing to convince them—or yourself—of the value your offer brings.


  • Becoming more fully booked and fully creative in your business, so you can earn beautifully in your business, while also having the space and schedule to continue to create, write, and work on your biz (instead of being so full you can only work in it).

  • Having a deeper confidence in your pricing, so you can receive generously, because honestly, your work is so good and you're allowed to receive more: Trust your ability to align your offers with the pricing that works with your nervous system, and not against it, so you can receive beautifully for your work.   

  • Generating marketing momentum with simplicity, because you don't need to do a million things every week, and also, your biz doesn't need to stop when you do. Once you're clear on your clients, offers, pricing, and the energetics to match, you'll create more confidence in how you're showing up with clear and congruent action, in a way that's light on your system, and steeped in the trust of the value you bring.
  • Self-trust, confidence and compassion because you're brilliant at what you do, even on a 'bad' day: Recognising your worth even on challenging days (messy moments included) is how you form an even stronger business base. Reduce and process self-judgment, release comparison, imposter syndrome and self-doubt, and create an even more congruent, resonant business, knowing you can build your body of work and sign a client even on a 'bad' day.
Client Love
Cassie's focus on how we think and feel about ourselves and our businesses has been revolutionary to me, it's felt like the missing piece I'd been looking for.

I've followed Cassie for years and I've watched from afar as she's experienced amazing success in her business, so when her mastermind landed in my orbit, I knew that she was the exact support I needed to take me to the next level in my business.

Cassie creates a warm, inviting and beautifully safe space for all the amazing coaches and practitioners in the mastermind - the group sessions are incredibly powerful and having her guidance week after week (and in our community) has helped me to move through countless blocks, moments of mind drama and has helped me to increase my belief in myself tenfold.

Her focus on how we think and feel about ourselves and our businesses has been revolutionary to me, it's felt like the missing piece I'd been looking for. Through the past 6 months I've felt safe to give myself the permission I needed to make changes in my business, to simplify, to get so much clarity around the type of work I'm here to do and how I want to do it.

The pressure I felt to achieve results quickly, to move onto the next thing and to basically burn myself out has lifted and instead I feel more connected to my business, to my clients and truly believe that great things are coming.

This program is jam-packed with incredible resources that are so relevant to anyone trying to build their practise in a way that feels empowering and true to themselves.

Cassie leads with so much love, she is so intuitive in her coaching, she facilitates beautiful healing and is so generous with the amount of support she provides individually to everyone in this program.

If you're thinking about joining this Mastermind, I think you should! It will be such a beautiful, affirming experience for you and I know you'll gain so much value that will serve you for years to come. Thank you Cassie for all of your love and support so far this year, and I'm so excited to keep working with you!

- ERIN LAISHLEY, EFT Practitioner & Life Coach

Listen to my podcast episode with Erin about simplifying your biz.

The clarity you receive from the coaching, and the calmness you receive from the energy balancing, will impact every area of your business.
Here are some of the incredible results my mastermind clients have called in: 
 Inner Shifts:
  • Such as finding it so much easier and safer to follow their intuition when making biz decisions
  • One client celebrated with me that she had found so much safety and sufficiency in the current number of clients in her biz (releasing the constant striving for more, more, more), and loving the feeling (and spaciousness in her system) this created
  • Another celebrated that she felt more congruent in ‘practising what she preaches’, trusting in her own value more and then calling in clients from this energy
  • One client shared that she finds it so much easier to embrace new beliefs supporting her desired direction 
  • Another client, cleared so many blocks around writing and creation that she was able to build her body of work with so much more ease and joy
  • One client found it so much easier to be on consult/clarity calls with potential new clients, trusting herself no matter the outcome and trusting the clients' timing too (without stressing out that she had to say/do the 'right' thing to 'get the sale') 
  • Another client downloaded an entire new process for her work... in one weekend 
  • One client shared that she was finding so much more joy in her everyday business, with so much less pressure that she was doing it all 'wrong', and more focus on all the success she has and is currently sustaining/creating
  • One client healed from burn out over a few months, and created a new way of doing business that supports her family life and energy
  • Another stopped calling herself a 'baby' coach and started to take full authority and deep ownership of her gifts
  • And another client started taking priority in caring for her nervous system and listening to her body... for the first time in forever (her words)
Divider Text
And the work doesn't just make you feel good, it actually creates results that make you dance with joy.
 Outer Results
  • One of my clients signed 2 x new clients as soon as her new offer was created, and signed a renewal client
  • Another had her biggest month ever, and her first 5-figure month, while also breaking the belief that she had to work super hard to receive this (she'd been on holiday for some of this month)
  • Two clients started their own podcasts, and launched them effortlessly and with simplicity
  • Another signed multiple new clients 'out of the blue' after just one group coaching call session. (We love to joke about this in the mastermind, because we know it's never really out of the blue, but rather because you are you, and a reflection of your potent work)...
  • One client prepared her business so beautifully for maternity leave, padded with so much trust in the spaces in between (and then returned to work after her baby, and filled her group program using the Start to Scale process inside the mastermind)
  • Another client became fully booked at a number that suits her lifestyle, so quickly that she ended up needing to start a waitlist
  • One client was approached by 4 different companies for speaking engagements, all within a couple of weeks 
  • Another started filling up a group coaching program at a higher price
  • One client was hired by a company for recurring paid workshops as one of their guest experts

Clients inside the mastermind have also:

  • Sold out day-long workshops with ease, at a price that's 2-5x higher than before
  • Signed 10 workshop clients as soon as the workshop was announced
  • Had new clients join their membership program and client results have upleveled in line with my client's own belief work 
  • Simplified offerings for more impact without any mind drama around this
  • Increased their pricing (and signed a new client straightaway!) 
  • Doubled their business revenue in the six months and expanded their team to support this extra boost in clients
  • Expanded their membership offering with more programs, resources and support and sold more spots at a higher price
  • Run 3 paid guest workshops in other coach programs (and was approached for them all)
  • Stopped working nights/weekends unless she deeply desired to, and started to pick her kids up earlier from daycare, without guilt about work she thought she 'should' do
  • And become so much more confident to be seen on social media, posting daily with multiple offers to work together

All of this by working to build their belief in themselves and their gifts, release pressure and perfectionism, and work from their enoughness, so they can take simple, aligned and meaningful action (without over-working, over-thinking, or over-giving).

Many of my clients have stayed on in the mastermind for multiple rounds, doing 2, 3 and 4 rounds in this space (and sometimes taking breaks for integration work, to then return a year or so later), continuing on with the deep belief work, energy balancing, and aligned action-taking, that helps them grow, expand and sustain their beautiful businesses.

Of course your own results will vary, based on your desires, the inner work you do, and the outer action you take.

You get to create your own results, based on your own intentions, goals and biggest vision.

And... it's always good to see and feel into what's been already made possible in this space too.

The mastermind, and these past 6 months, have been so amazing for me. The support of the group and just showing up to our calls every week changed everything for me. I needed to take less action, and focus on my inner work instead. All the tools you've given me, I use them all the time.

I'm so proud of the work I've done, of the belief I have in myself, and I know have so much trust in the value I offer.

- CAZZ LEMESSURIER, Women's Mindset & Life Mentor

You're ready for this
Pricing is in AUD and includes GST for Aussies.
Want to chat with me first? Book a call here.

It has been every bit the healing journey I was hoping it would be.

Being no stranger to doing belief work as a practitioner, it was so lovely to be able to sit back and let myself be guided through this deeply transformative work.

Cassie created a safe, rich, and nourishing space to bring to the surface the thoughts, rules, and beliefs that have been holding me back from fully flourishing in my business; and offered beautifully diverse tools to begin creating powerful shifts in how I feel doing the work I love.

I joined the Mastermind knowing that Cassie’s energy would feel soothing and supportive during a time that I needed to feel more grounded and aligned in my business, and it has been every bit the healing journey I was hoping it would be!

– NATALIE KLADNITSKI, Psychologist & Business Coach

I would highly recommend this Mastermind to anyone who is ready to release that self-doubt once and for all and up-level in life and biz. It will change your life!  

I have had the privilege of being mentored and coached by the incredible Cassie within her Mastermind for the last few months.

She has been an absolute breath of fresh air for my personal and business life. Her intuitive and aligned insights combined with her calm, thoughtful and practical approach has supported me in implementing changes within my business that I have been putting off for months.

My inner confidence, belief and vision has grown so much working with her. I'm so grateful.

She TRULY believes in you as you are believing in yourself even more. She talks the talk and walks the walk. She is beside you, not above, every step of the way.

Thank you Cassie xo 

- AMY LITTLE, Holistic Wellness & Empowerment Coach for Women

The Aligned & Unstoppable Mastermind became such an important part of my life this year.

Cassie's coaching and leadership was integral to the alignment and growth of my business.

- BEC SANDS, Career Pivot Coach

I have gained so much from Cassie’s Aligned & Unstoppable Mastermind.

I love her message and her teachings. In this busy world it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and meeting others’ expectations.

Cassie’s calm voice and grounding message always brings me back to what is important to me and where I want to be.

To be honest she has played a very valuable part in helping me create the business that I have today. 

Her guidance, support, knowledge and inspiring personality have been invaluable to me and there have been many insights and helpful prompts along with valued guided support from Cassie.

The added bonus of being part of a small group of other like-minded members of our coaching circle was wonderful and as a solopreneur I found this hugely helpful and supportive. Without a doubt I can totally recommend working with her!

- MELANIE HARRISON, Founder of Chickweed Apothecary

Simple, spacious, sustainable business.
Pricing is in AUD and includes GST for Aussies.
Want to chat with me first? Book a call here.
You bring the tea. I've got the answers.
Who is this mastermind is for?
This mastermind is geared towards coaches, healers, wellness practitioners, therapists, and online service-based biz owners, who are already in business and working with clients, or those coming back into their biz after being away for a bit (babies, life transition etc.), who desire more grounded, light-on-the-system, and impactful ways of growing and expanding their businesses... from an energy of enoughness

If you want to bounce anything off me before joining, please email me and or book a call here. We will come to the best answer for your next step, together.


When do we begin and when are the calls?

We're currently in-session. The next round will be in 2015.

What happens if I miss a call? 

You catch up when you can, via our beautiful private membership portal or on our private podcast feed.

There is magic in realtime and replay.

Is everyone who starts with me, starting new in the mastermind?

This depends on the cohort but most of my clients stay on for 2, 3, 4+ rounds, plus new clients begin each round too. So, it'll likely be a mix of both clients who are familiar with the concepts, framework and culture, and new clients (like, maybe you!).

No matter who is joining or staying on for each new round, we begin anew, together. We get to know each other and the concepts (again, or for the first time), building deeper relationships with each other, and ourselves.


What happens after my enrolment ends? Do I keep access to the calls?

As your enrolment comes to a close, you'll be invited to stay on with a beautiful alumni bonus.

When the round ends, you'll receive ongoing access to the weekly coaching call replays from your cohort, however if you choose to close out, you'll lose access to the membership portal and all included trainings, lessons and workshops. Think of it like Netflix: You cancel your subscription, and you can't watch Peaky Blinders anymore. 


What is your refund policy?

My intention is always to call in the people who are a big, full body yes.

Please enrol mindfully (and heart-fully) as I don't offer refunds for change of mind.

Nothing in this policy though, affects the rights you may have as a consumer under the Australian Consumer Law.

You can check out my sales terms and conditions here.

OKAY, I'M IN! Now what? 


I have more questions... can I talk to you a bit more before or signing up?

Of course! Please email me and we can either chat via email or schedule in a 15min Zoom call.
After 6 amazing months in the Mastermind I am experiencing how much working with Cassie on deepening my belief has shifted the energy of my business, my practice and how I show up.

I signed up to this mastermind because I could see the energy shifts in Cassie, and each time I read one of her posts, I could feel the pull and curiosity call me in more deeply.

I already had deep belief in myself before the mastermind and one (of the many) things this mastermind has reminded me of, is that there is no such thing as overdosing on belief or believing too much… I can always deepen my already deep belief.

This mastermind has really deepened my belief that being human and being a great practitioner can and does happen at the same time… and that’s all okay. (And not dependent on one another.)

After 6 amazing months in the mastermind I am experiencing how much working with Cassie on deepening my belief has shifted the energy of my business, my practice and how I show up.

One of the biggest shifts I've experienced is that 
I really feel like I've found my own voice... the same voice I use to speak to my closest, most loving friends.

This mastermind is not a cut and paste style group.

Cassie coaches in such a way that you work out what works the best for you and your business, in your own authenticity.

Like Cass always says ‘It’s your business, so it’s your choice.'

This Mastermind is a beautiful shared community of women, what you are experiencingyou are not aloneand at the same time, it delivers on 1:1 focus and attention for you and your business.

- ALANA TUKUNIU, Therapist and Founder of Maulu Spa

Listen to my podcast episode with Alana about clearing energetic hiccups and knowing what you're doing.

Almost everything Cassie taught is sticky-note-pin-it-to-your-desk worthy!

I joined this mastermind so I could be in community with other powerful women and to receive support with my beliefs that I knew were not supporting me.

And let me just say it delivered!

Almost everything Cassie taught is sticky-note-pin-it-to-your-desk worthy!

I’m stepping away from my time in this group feeling grounded in my self-belief and holding a deep trust in myself and my business.

Cassie created a safe and approachable space for all of us to bring exactly what we needed into the space for conversation and support.

I loved my time in this mastermind and highly recommend it no matter where you are in your business! 

- RACHEL GERMANN, Advanced EFT Practitioner

After this mastermind, you and your biz will never be the same again (in the best way possible).
Working together, you’ll grow a simpler, more spacious, and more sustainable business, while actually enjoying the process (because you love your biz, and doing the work, and can't imagine doing anything else).

You'll process and release mind drama and energy blocks, deeply heal old wounds stemming from self-doubt, and ultimately… take action from a place of deep self-belief so that you can build, grow and scale a powerful, joyful and solid business.

You won't need to over-work, over-give, or over-think.

You’ll have built-in practices, processes and possibility-thinking that proves to yourself, time and time again, that what you’re doing is working, helps you problem solve and gently evaluate what isn't working, and reminds you that you are exactly who your clients need.

You'll have deepened your trust in yourself so much, that you won’t be able to stop telling people what you do, how you can help them, and how they can work with you. Selling won't feel extractive; it'll feel supportive.

You'll have clear offers, a simple and joyful process of both creating and expanding your body of work, and of calling clients in.

You'll know how to map your next step without the overwhelm of indecision. You'll feel clear and fully in your power, in your process of moving ahead.

You'll have simple systems set up in your back-end, freeing up time to do your biggest work, and you'll be able to receive new clients and payments effortlessly.

You’ll fall in love with communicating the value and magic of your work, inviting clients into your business, and sharing your voice.

You’ll soothe your nervous system and show yourself it’s safe to be seen, to receive more and to rise.

You’ll believe in yourself and your work so much, because you know it’s deeply needed and incredibly valuable, and you'll know how to show up in your biz, even when life is life-ing. (Because resilience and resourcefulness is how we stay in our businesses, through all weather.)

You'll also more calmly able to rest, integrate, and not work every single day... knowing how to grow your biz without burning out, because the world doesn't need the tired, exhausted, burnt out version of you.

And when none of this feels accessible to you, you'll have new skills, tools and awareness to rest in the discomfort, process it for as long as it takes, not make it mean anything about you, clear it away, and let your next step land, gently.

There's so much growth inside.
(Inside of yourself, your biz... and this program.)
Pricing is in AUD and includes GST for Aussies.
Want to chat with me first? Book a call here.
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P.S. This is a FOMO-free invitation page!

If your body is communicating fear or anxiety at the thought of signing up, please honour this no. You are not missing out on something: you are creating space for something else. You deserve to make choices and purchases that feel like joy and expansion. I trust your timing and your decisions, wholeheartedly and with deep love and respect.

If joining me feels like joy and expansion (even if it's fluttery joy, that's okay, and different to anxiety) then please honour this yes and I can't wait to do this work together. 

(C) Cassie Mendoza-Jones