Find the next level, evolution, and iteration of your work, your gifts and your voice

While working from a healthier base, expanding your capacity, and stepping into the growth you’re ready for (even before you feel fully ready).

Expand your business, your perception of yourself in your biz, and your capacity for more, with belief work, energetic clearing, and business alignment coaching with me, a coach and healer of 13+ years.


✨ I believe you can change the trajectory of your business, with way less effort than you think. (It’s often the tiniest energetic shifts that re-route us towards our desires.)

✨ I believe you can let go of years of shame in business (all the coulda, woulda, shoulda thoughts), and all the low-belief baggage it makes you carry… in moments, with me. (I’ve witnessed this in my clients too many times to count.)

✨ I believe that a lot of what you’re already doing is already working, and I promise, when I show you what I mean, you’ll get it.


And then, it’ll activate you to keep going. (Which is how we create more of what we want.)

So… wanna do this with me? 🙌🏻

Your business, but better, simpler, and expanded.

Through powerful coaching, a deep ability to see through the blocks that feel so hazy to you, and gentle energy balancing techniques, I’ll help you lovingly guide your thoughts, energy and actions towards creating the kind of success that you want.


A space for coaches, healers and wellness practitioners, who want to stop overthinking their next steps, activate more confident decisions, and expand their soul-powered businesses.


Private coaching and clearing to bring your next level into the here and now, so you can deepen your work, expand your capacity and impact, and grow your business with ease and alignment.


1:1 kinesiology sessions so you can breathe more easily, believe a little more, take action with more confidence, and call in what you desire (even if you think you need to do more before it happens).

Client Creating Formula Masterclass

Imagine knowing you have an internal process for creating new clients… and then calling them in.

The good news is that: you do have a process. 💅🏻

(You might just think you don’t.)

And when you know it, embody it, and trust it, you’ll know you don’t have to doubt your client creating process.

You’ll know exactly what to keep doing, for your next beautiful client to flow in. 

👉🏻 Sign up below for immediate access to the masterclass + worksheet.

Belief work makes the dream work 

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