Browse my coaching options below.

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1:1 & Group Coaching 

Coaching With Cass

Activate your own energetic accuracy in your biz growth process. 

This is an energy clearing and business growth container for coaches, healers and wellness practitioners, who want to stop overthinking their next steps, activate more confident decisions, and expand their soul-powered businesses without having to work every single day.

1:1 Coaching Program

It’s time to deepen your work, expand your business, activate your gifts, and trust the magic that only you create, on a whole other level. 

When we work together, I can see the blocks that feel so hazy to you, the ways you’re cutting down instead of building yourself up, and the perspective shifts that’ll change your energy (and next steps), before you’ve even taken a sip of your tea.

Through fire-cracker business coaching, kinesiology and energetic clearing work, NLP practices, body and biz embodiment tools, belief work and a dusting of magic that can’t be put into words, you’ll change the trajectory of your business, without working every single day (or every nap and night, if you have little ones).

Aligned Enough

Kinesiology alignment and clearing sessions.

You probably don’t need to work harder at aligning more with what you want, or how you want to feel.

Let’s take (and shake) some pressure off, reset and align enough, for an every day that feels lighter on your system.

Aligned & Unstoppable Mastermind

Coaching, clearing, and community to grow your biz and create next-level success, from your natural state.

This mastermind will support you in claiming and owning your gifts, your highest vision, and your deepest growth, all while reminding you that you don’t need to be perfect to be aligned and unstoppable.

Hop on the waitlist for the next round.

Self-Paced Coaching

Build Your Business Through Belief Workshop

When you’re building your biz, I’d say 90% of the time you don’t need more strategy… you need more belief.

Belief work is the work that changes everything.

It’s the work that bridges the gap between where you are, and where you see yourself being in your business.

Join me for this workshop (the replay is available for you right now) and let’s do this beautiful work together.

Start to Scale

Make the move from 1:1 to group coaching (or make it a bigger part of your biz) in a way that feels amazing to you, helps you create more income and impact in fewer hours per week and importantly… deeply supports your clients

Whether you’re coming back to your biz after maternity leave, returning to your biz after a big break or life transition, or you’re just ready to start doing more group coaching work… if you’re wanting to start scaling your business in a simple, loving, client-focused way that also creates more time for you (to be with your family, grow your business, write and create more, or…  do more in your life, like be in the garden), you’ll want to join me for this workshop.

Hello Book, It’s Me

A book-writing workshop to help you get your best book out of you, into the hearts and minds of those who need it most.

Join me for this book-writing workshop and let’s write your book, together.

Anchor into Your Power

A course to help you start changing your beliefs about what’s possible for you, and support you in mind, body and spirit along the way.

This course will support you to release your old ideas about yourself, reconnect with your innate power, expand your beliefs about what’s possible for yourself, and call in what’s next, without having to actually work harder.

Dive in now, and flow at your own pace.

Cass is a business witch, addressing the relationship between myself and my biz at all levels—body, mind, soul.

She’s phenomenal at assisting with the ins and outs and strategies of my biz while simultaneously pinpointing and activating the necessary belief work, and meeting the energetic body in the equation too.

She’s not of this world; she has one footed planted in this world and one somewhere else, on a different level.

It’s so hard to express in words what I feel like she does. She meets you and your biz at so many different levels and that all happens in one session. She has an ability to pinpoint exactly what it is you need for your business and mindset growth.

Sessions with Cass leave me with grounded clarity, a fire in my belly and a remembrance of who I truly am and the beauty of my unique offerings in the world. Cass is so skilled—I am beyond grateful to have you as a cheerleader to walk this path with me.

– GREER ROSE, Soul Healing Coach & Empowered Birth Doula

Want to chat with me before making a choice? Get in touch,  I’m right here.

Join Coaching With Cass now, because you deserve to feel really good about your biz growthLEARN MORE