It must come from within, first

I’ve realised something lately…

When you wish to create something in your life, it has to come from within first.

If you want the relationship, the job, the raise, the promotion, the love, the abundance, the opportunity, the expansion, the momentum (etc.)… you have to believe it first, before you can call it (or something better) into your life.

You have to know you’re worthy of holding what you’re calling in.

You have to know you’re allowed to receive it.

Because it’s you—not anyone else—who can give yourself the deep permission to receive.

Now of course, if you’ve read my new book, It’s All Good, you’ll know I tout the phrase ‘or something better’ often, so when I say you have to believe it first, I don’t mean you have to know the outcome of what you’re calling into your life.

You don’t have to know how it’ll happen, or when.

But if you want to call something into your life, you have to believe you are worthy of receiving it first.

You have to envision it in your life already, even before it’s arrived.

Sit with this idea for a moment.

Place your hands on your heart, and say to yourself: I allow myself to receive. What I desire comes from within first.

You must allow yourself to receive, before you can hold what you desire.

Now, from that space… onwards, always.




I’m Cassie Mendoza-Jones

My work is for you if you’re ready to change your beliefs about what’s possible for you.

It’s time to clear away your blocks, align your energy, and call your power back to you.

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