Ep 28. Burning out, napping & building a stronger base with Shorina Page

I have another amazing interview to share with you, with my friend and client, Shorina Page. (How great are all these conversations? I am loving them and hope you are too!)

On this call, we discuss:

  • How Shorina burnt out about halfway through the mastermind, what she was making this mean about her experience, how she processed it and how she’s feeling now
  • How this mastermind gave her exactly what she needed… even if it wasn’t what she initially wanted, and why she’s so grateful for it
  • How resting and napping is literally changing the game for her
  • Why she’s picking up her little kiddies from daycare earlier than ever before and why this is because of how she feels in her business
  • The shifts she’s experienced and continues to experience that go way beyond money and metrics
  • And so, so much more

Tune in and let us know what you think. You’ll find Shorina at @mindfulsoulcollective and @brasbys on Instagram.

And if you’d love to mastermind with me, you can learn more and apply here. Applications close 30 Aug and we begin 1 Sept.



Show Notes:

Join me for the Building Your Business Through Belief Workshop (it’s $10 and ready for you right now).





I’m Cassie Mendoza-Jones

My work is for you if you’re ready to change your beliefs about what’s possible for you.

It’s time to clear away your blocks, align your energy, and call your power back to you.

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