A powerful energy + emotion balancing tool created by a kinesiologist and coach of 13+ years. 
Because you aren't getting in your own way. You are the way.
I created the Belief Balance Cards, a lush 77-card deck, as a beautiful tool to support you in finding the unconscious energies and emotions that sit beneath your beliefs and actions, to help you create a clearer, calmer, and more deeply congruent version of whatever it is you want to create.

Use these cards to clear away blocks, align your energy and to remind yourself that you're not getting in your own way: you are the way.

These cards have been designed to pinpoint specific emotions and energies that, once uncovered, will feel like something unlocking inside you.
We call a kinesiology session a ‘balance’, hence why these cards are called the Belief Balance deck.

When we shift our energy, we change our thoughts and beliefs.

And when we believe new things about ourselves—when we wire and anchor these new truths into our consciousness—we create new potentials, paradigms and perspectives for ourselves.

We close doors that’ve been opened long enough, and carve new handles onto doors that felt impossible to open until now.

Sometimes you’ll pull a card, and through processing and integrating it, you’ll feel a shift in your energy or emotional body without even doing anything more.

Sometimes something will click in your mind and a new awareness will drop in on a mental level.

Sometimes, you’ll feel a subtle (or not so subtle) shift in the energy and air around you; where, no matter how big of a room you’re in, the walls feel like they’ve been pushed out.

You’ve made space. You can breathe now.

You may pull a card and burst into tears, or laughter, or your jaw will drop to the floor.

You may feel a heart expansion, prickles on your scalp or arms, or like you’re being hugged by something bigger, deeper, higher than you.

You may pull a card and intuitively know you need to journal, cry, go for a walk or run, do some EFT/tapping, or place your hands on your heart, head, or hips (or anywhere on your body) to help move the energy through, up, down or out.

(Inside the card's guidebook, I offer a suggested list of tools and practices to support the processing of what these cards bring up for you.)

Meet yourself wherever you’re at.

Let the cards guide you to wherever you’re going, and help you honour however you’ve gotten here.

You can’t do this wrong.

I promise you.

(And if you think you’re doing it wrong… pull a card. See what it says. I’ll bet it helps you see your greatness, your gifts, your genius. Try it.)    

These cards activate some kinda magic.
(You're the magic they activate. It's you!)

Inside the detailed guidebook, you'll find two balancing processes to support your clearing + you'll receive access to a private portal with instructional videos to deepen your process + a group call replay.

Kinesiology has its roots in the Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory of the Five Elements (as well as chiropractic theory).

This theory forms the basis of these energy balancing cards, as the Five Elements is a really easily-applied framework to help us understand patterns in ourselves, our inner and outer worlds, and all aspects of our lives.

In the detailed 130+ page guidebook, I give easily-understandable explanations about the elements and meridians, how to connect this information to the energy/emotion that's come up for you, how to apply this to your situation or experience, and then how to process, shift, heal or work with this for your new, desired experience.

For each of the 77 cards, there's also a reading that offers up prompts and questions to move energy through you, and support your next steps.

Plus, you'll find two kinds of self-balancing processes (the express and expanded version of the Belief Balance) as well as other ways to use the cards, to come into deeper congruency. 

Here's how you might use the cards... 
  • Maybe you're tossing up between a few different choices in your life and biz and you wish someone would just tell you the answer, gah! While the cards are not a fortune telling tool... they can tell you what energy you're needing to express or embody based on which choice you make. So, you pull a card. Actually, you pull two. (Or, one for each path you could travel down.) See what comes up for you with each potential option. See what becomes clearer, what feels like it might be easier, or what you're being asked to see, deepen or do, based on what information comes through. (This is one of the techniques I'll be sharing via video inside the private portal, once the cards are released.)

  • Maybe you're working on a dreamy dream, a big goal, or towards something that feels so close and yet... you know something within is feeling tangled and knotty, and that if you could just unknot it... the space and clarity that appears would make all the difference. So, you pull a card. Let it guide you, let it speak to you, let it show you how you're not getting in your own way... you are the way. 

  • Maybe you've had a really, really hard day... and it's hours until bedtime when you can just drop into yourself and fall asleep, but the day has gotten you so agitated that you don't know how you'll keep it together until bedtime. So, you pull a card. Find the emotion that's feeling stuck, let it unwind something in you, let it unravel tension now... and notice how the rest of your day feels so much better, how time flies, because you're not attaching to every moment of it. 

  • Maybe you've had a really good day, a day where you could feel things shifting, big work being done, small moments that felt lighter than yesterday. You want to acknowledge this, anchor into it, savour it. So, you pull a card. What have I shifted today? You ask. And the cards? They tell you. What did I release or deepen today? Reflections drop in, and the day feels done, in the best way. 

  • Maybe you saw something on social media that triggered the eff out of you, and you're feeling shaky and annoyed, having conversations in your head or feeling small and stuck. So, you pull a card. When you know the energy or emotion that really wants to be expressed underneath, you'll also know that the trigger can be released (the valve, shut off)... by you. 

These are just a few examples of when, why and how you can use these beautiful cards.

I use them daily. (Often, multiple times a day!)

I used the cards with my clients privately, in group coaching containers, and in my mastermind while I was developing them and I received the most incredible feedback and love.

My clients love them.

I deeply believe that you will too.

I know it.

The cards told me.

(Kidding. They don't tell the future. But still... I know.)

All your cards that you pulled for me, were wow spot on…very deep and meaningful to me…so a big thank you!

- TRACEY BUSSE, Career & Transitions Coach

Energy balancing, in your pocket. (Well, desk. They're a bit big for your pocket, unless you have very big pockets.)

These gorgeous cards have an uncanny way of knowing exactly what I need to hear and learn at that moment in time. Spot on, every time.

- FIONA ZINN, The Virtual Business Assistant

This is a self-balancing tool... which means you’re the medicine-maker, you’re the wisdom-keeper, and you’re the source of your own flow.
Hey, I'm Cass Mendoza-Jones

I’m a business coach, kinesiologist, NLP practitioner, naturopath, author and speaker and I've been doing this work for 13+ years.

I help you find all the places that are feeling stuck or heavy in your business (because of perfectionism, low-belief baggage, overthinking, or trying to find the ‘one right perfect’ decision to make) and help you make your business feel light, and bright, and easy on your system.

Which means… your business can grow in all the places where it felt stunted before, and do more with you, and for you… than ever before.

I've been coaching, speaking and writing for over a decade. I've written three books (published by Hay House). I've got two gorgeous little kiddies, and a husband who makes the best bolognese (I don't know why that last one is a reason to buy these cards from me, but it's also not not a reason, right?)

I'm really good at what I do, and I'm also always getting better. I'll help you see and believe that the same is true for you.

The idea for these cards has been brewing for a decade. They're here now, and the timing is, well, perfect. 

Please purchase mindfully (and heartfully) as I don't offer refunds for change of mind.

As my lawyer hubby has told me to say: nothing in this policy though, affects the rights you may have as a consumer under the Australian Consumer Law. For full sales terms and conditions, please click here.
