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Written with love.
This is what joy is…
Joy is (99% of the time) not working on my days with my kiddies... ... because I know my biz can wait,...
You create the magic
I can’t tell you how many times a client has booked a session or program with me feeling stressed, stuck...
For the biz mamas on maternity leave
I had a lot of fear about taking a step back from my business before I had my daughter back in early 2019...
Healing to release self-judgement
Ever find yourself swirling through too much self-doubt? If you're someone who tends to judge yourself...
How I’m preparing my biz for my baby
I've just stepped back from work to have my second bub There are a few things I’ve done to prepare my...
How to let yourself try again
Sometimes things don’t go to ‘plan’ do they? And that old chestnut, once said by Benjamin Franklin, ‘Fail...
You’re allowed your joy
A little while ago, I went through a period where almost any time I had a positive thought, or a feeling...
The rush you create yourself
Recently, as I sat down to begin my day, I jotted down some goals I was working on that week, in my day...