Setting new year’s intentions? Remember you’re already enough

Something happens when a new year rolls around


There’s a feeling in the air of excitement and possibility, and of washing away the old.

This will feel different for each of us, and of course it’ll feel different each year, as some years feel easier and smoother, and some years can feel harder and bumpier.

I find it’s also a time of mixed emotions; if we’ve had a great year, we can worry that the new year won’t be as good. If we’ve had a rocky year, we just want to turn our backs to the year that was.

But no matter what the past year held for us, a new year heralds a time to set new intentions, and reaffirm old ones. It’s a time to start afresh, to clear the clutter, to tune into what’s important in our lives.

Around this time of year, most of the world starts talking about resolutions and goals, and of course it’s so important to do this; to get clear on where you’ve been, where you are, and where you want to go. (I love to use Leonie Dawson’s yearly planners for this.)

But we so often forget to do one thing throughout the planning of our goals and the setting of our intentions…

We must remember we are already enough. 

You are enough.

You are enough today, if you’ve already set fresh intentions for the new year.

You are enough today, if you haven’t.

You are enough today, if you’ve mapped out your whole new year.

And you are enough today, if you haven’t.

You are enough if you don’t know how your dreams will come to fruition (yet).

And you are enough if you’re not sure if they’re too big for you. (They’re not.)

You are enough if your dreams feel stretchy, just a little bit. Or stretchy, a lot.

You are enough if you’re not quite sure how you’ll manage it all (yet).

You are enough if your dreams are secrets in your soul, or written on the walls (like, literally on the walls – vision board, anyone?).

You are enough if you’ve made your new vision board, and if you haven’t.

You are enough if you’ve decided that this year is the year you [insert dream here], and you are enough if you’re not sure what you’ll do yet.

Take the pressure off. Trust yourself.

You’re doing the best you can do, right?

Well, then… that’s enough.

And so are you.




I’m Cassie Mendoza-Jones

My work is for you if you’re ready to change your beliefs about what’s possible for you.

It’s time to clear away your blocks, align your energy, and call your power back to you.

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