by Cassie Mendoza-Jones | Boost Your Beautiful Business
Going through some slow client weeks? It’s probably not for the reasons you think. It’s not because you’re a terrible coach/healer/practitioner/consultant. It’s not because no one wants to work with you. It’s not because everyone else in your industry is better than...
by Cassie Mendoza-Jones | Deepen Your Self-Trust, Honour Your Body, Tap Into Your Personal Power
Kinesiology pulled me in years ago I remember in my first year of naturopathy college, there were weeks where all I could think about was when I would be able to start studying kinesiology. I even went so far as to speak to one of my lecturers who I really got along...
by Cassie Mendoza-Jones | Honour Your Body, Tap Into Your Personal Power
Oh stress… It’s a fact of life, right? Yes… and no. Of course life won’t always be smooth sailing (you have to weather some storms to appreciate the calm), but do you feel like you’re always stressing out about something? Or that you...