by Cassie Mendoza-Jones | Boost Your Beautiful Business
When you’re building and growing your biz, it can feel easy to stay busy It can feel easy to keep thinking this is what’s needed for your next level. We speed up because slowing down doesn’t feel safe.
Our minds race to ‘catch up’.
Our nervous systems stay on...
by Cassie Mendoza-Jones | All Posts, Boost Your Beautiful Business
If you ever thought you needed to have all the content ready for a program before you sell/launch it… … here’s proof that you don’t, and that allowing space to create as you go continually meets your beloved clients where they are. As we near the midway...
by Cassie Mendoza-Jones | All Posts, Boost Your Beautiful Business
What does it mean to fake it til you make it? I’m sure you’ve been told to do this before. It’s often said when you’re needing a little nudge, a loving push off what feels like a cliff but might actually be the sidewalk. I think we can use the energy of this phrase...
by Cassie Mendoza-Jones | All Posts, Boost Your Beautiful Business
Just because you’re good at something in your business, and possibly even love doing it, doesn’t mean you have to stick with it I was a really good naturopath. I helped my clients every day, in multiple ways. I loved focusing solely on naturopathy until… I didn’t. ...
by Cassie Mendoza-Jones | Love What You Create
What do you do after you make an offer for clients to work with you? Or after you launch your program, course or workshop? Do you sit at your desk, staring at your inbox for payment notifications? Do you worry and wonder about what else you need to do? Or… do...