by Cassie Mendoza-Jones | Boost Your Beautiful Business, Raise Your Writing Confidence
I recently ran a private book-writing workshop It was with one of my lovely clients who I’ve been working with for years, and the one thing that jumped out at me during our workshop was this guidance: There’s no perfect way to write your book; there’s only the...
by Cassie Mendoza-Jones | Boost Your Beautiful Business, Raise Your Writing Confidence
One of my favourite lines from my new book, Aligned & Unstoppable is: You can be in alignment when your life isn’t perfect. You know why? Because perfection isn’t possible anyway, no matter how aligned you are. I love it because it’s such a clear reminder...
by Cassie Mendoza-Jones | Boost Your Beautiful Business, Raise Your Writing Confidence
My new book Aligned & Unstoppable is officially out in the world! To celebrate this momentous step of the journey, I thought I’d give you an inside peek into 10 facts that you (probably) don’t know: Fact #1 The idea for this book came through to me...
by Cassie Mendoza-Jones | Boost Your Beautiful Business, Deepen Your Self-Trust, Honour Your Body, Raise Your Writing Confidence, Tap Into Your Personal Power
It’s here! Aligned & Unstoppable. In my new book, you’ll discover how to nurture, expand and maintain a creative life and path that’s deeply aligned to who you are, staying anchored and grounded in your truth, all while building a beautiful,...
by Cassie Mendoza-Jones | Boost Your Beautiful Business, Raise Your Writing Confidence
On Saturday morning, I worked with some amazing women… (…there’s space for you too) doing beautiful work in the world, and the message of working from your heart—not your head—came up. It makes sense, right? To do your biggest, best work, you need a...