by Cassie Mendoza-Jones | Boost Your Beautiful Business, Raise Your Writing Confidence
Do you put pressure on yourself for things to be perfect… all of the time? … most of the time? … some of the time? Do you think things have to be ‘perfect’ for you to be in alignment (in whatever way alignment brings you the most ease,...
by Cassie Mendoza-Jones | Deepen Your Self-Trust, Tap Into Your Personal Power
A funny thing happens when we start to believe that we’re already worthy… Signs of worth, abundance and joy flow into our life every single day. They may have always been there, but now we start to notice them more frequently. We have more ‘good’ days than...
by Cassie Mendoza-Jones | Deepen Your Self-Trust
I parked my car, slowly I didn’t need to bump into any pavements or other cars to make myself feel any more nervous than I already was. I turned the car off and took a few shaky breaths. I couldn’t believe what I was about to do. I thought I was going to...
by Cassie Mendoza-Jones | Deepen Your Self-Trust, Tap Into Your Personal Power
A few weeks before giving birth… I was reading an article on the BellyBelly website (which I highly recommend!), and while I can’t remember the exact article I was reading, it spoke of ways to help manage the intensity of labour.⠀⠀One sentence stuck with...
by Cassie Mendoza-Jones | Deepen Your Self-Trust
When I started adding kinesiology into my business and client sessions back in 2013, I also started to do lots of kinesiology balances on myself It was a lovely way for me to clear and balance my own energy, and it also helped me to cultivate confidence in how I ran...