Clarity comes when you’re ready to create

For the first six months of this year, I had a firm plan for my business

This was in terms of projects and objectives (like, finish writing and then editing my second book, It’s All Good, take my Love What You Create Workshop tour around Australia, create the online version of the workshop, and then start planning my book launch tour).

That (and a few other projects) took up most of the first six months of the year. Then my month-long holiday over July was coming up, and while I knew the general outline of what I wanted to work on for the rest of the year, the details were fuzzy.

I wrote a post while I was away, describing this ‘space in between’ that I was in, creatively speaking. These kinds of spaces used to make me nervous a few years ago; I’d worry that I was ‘falling behind’, or not doing enough. I’d overthink things, and stress about the fact that I didn’t have all the pieces of the creative puzzle yet.

But now I can see it differently; that space in between allowed me to rest and restore, not for the sake of doing more work, but just because resting and restoring my energy was what I needed at the time.

Almost as soon as I came home, the ideas started pouring in, like the stalling of inspiration and clarity had been purposeful.

It wasn’t an accident that these ideas started coming to me once I was home. If they’d landed in my head and heart while I was away, I’d have wanted to get started on them – in some way – while I was on holiday. I’d have stalled my holiday to do the work I love.

But what happened was perfect; my ideas were stalled so I could be present on my holiday.

And now, I’m receiving the clarity I need, mapping out the vision that was just beyond my reach for a little while, and living my creative purpose at the right time, in the right way, and most importantly, for the right reasons.

And the timing isn’t by chance; it’s on purpose.

The more I create, the more I learn this; you need to trust in your work as much as you trust in yourself.

You need to trust in the timing and energy of your work, as much as you trust in the timing and energy of the rest of your life.

Clarity comes when you’re ready to create.

And so now that I’m home, I get to purposefully create work I love, work that lights me up, and when I release it, I hope you’ll love it too.


If you’d love some support in creating work that you love, join me in my Love What You Create Workshop

In this workshop, you’ll learn how to use writing as a tool to build your business, tune into your creativity and honour your muse, release creative fears, comparison and perfectionism… and truly begin to love what you create.

I’d love to welcome you into my crew of Creators!





I’m Cassie Mendoza-Jones

My work is for you if you’re ready to change your beliefs about what’s possible for you.

It’s time to clear away your blocks, align your energy, and call your power back to you.

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