Fully booked & fully creative

It’s happened to me time and time again:

As I move towards the end of creating a program, or launching an offer, something new drops in.

It just happened recently, as I was moving into the last few weeks before the recent mastermind round began, new ideas started flowing in.

I used to sometimes worry about this, like did it mean I wasn’t ‘finishing strong’? Was I ‘sabotaging’ myself because new ideas, new work, new offers would flow in, before I thought I was ready?

But over the years (and there have been many – I’ve been running my biz since 2011), I’ve learnt that’s simply not the case.

I get new ideas, more ideas, before I think I’m ready, because I have the space for these ideas; the energy for these ideas; the capacity and capability for these ideas.

(Notice how I said before I ‘think’… because these ideas drop into my body and energy field, and actually have little to do with thinking.)

I receive new ideas because I’m connected to my creative source; a source of guidance, flow, energy and intuitive hits.

I receive new ideas because my body has space for these ideas to land, and the energy to support their creation and momentum.

I receive new ideas because my business and creativity want to keep reaffirming my path; this is it, I’m on it.

And I let these new ideas land, with joy and excitement, because doing this work is what sustains me, and my business. It’s also what supports me, and my clients.

Then my ideas become a body of work that builds and builds, as more clients flow to me.

And then when those clients come into my business, working with them sparks new ideas of how I can continue to support them.

My body of work attracts my clients, and my client work supports the building of my body of work. And I do it without burning out.

It’s a cycle that flows, that works, and that regenerates itself, over and over again.

And it’s what I’ll be guiding you through, in my new 4-week immersive program: Fully Booked & Fully Creative.

We begin 20 Sept.

Here for any questions, and I would love to see you inside!


So much love,


I’m Cassie Mendoza-Jones

My work is for you if you’re ready to change your beliefs about what’s possible for you.

It’s time to clear away your blocks, align your energy, and call your power back to you.

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Yeah you do. Join me for Express Expansion, a free video series, and let’s balance 3 key areas of your business and beliefs, for expansion from your enoughness.

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