You create the magic

I can’t tell you how many times a client has booked a session or program with me feeling stressed, stuck and blocked…

… and then within days or sometimes mere hours or even moments after booking it, they’ve experienced miraculous shifts and flow. (Before they even have the session!)

It’s happened to me too, as a client.

Why and how does this happen?

Well, what are the thoughts you have after booking a session with a healer or coach?

‘I’m supported.’

‘I’m going to work this out.’

‘I have all the support I need right now.’

‘I’m doing everything I can to create what I want to create.’

‘It’s okay if I need help with this. I’m willing to work this out by asking for and receiving support.’

‘I’m on track, and taking my next step.’

And the feelings you might feel after booking in?

Supported. Calm. Grounded. Empowered.

Or maybe your thoughts generate feelings of sufficiency, confidence, support, expansion and growth.

In that energy, you’re showing up and taking your next step, forgetting—if only for a moment—that you were chasing a goal, and instead, by asking for help and healing, you settle your nervous system. You bring your energy and intention back into the present moment.

And because you’ve decided things are going to be different now, magical things start to happen before your actual session or program begins…

Clarity drops in.

Payment notifications land in your inbox.

Clients book in.

Workshops get sold.

Programs fill up.

It all happens because you decided it would. (Even if you didn’t know how.)

And what creates all this (and more) is not some far off magic.

It’s you.




P.S. If you’re wanting to step into everything you know you can create and receive in your business, let’s work together.


I’m Cassie Mendoza-Jones

My work is for you if you’re ready to change your beliefs about what’s possible for you.

It’s time to clear away your blocks, align your energy, and call your power back to you.

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