You are the value

When I started studying kinesiology…

I was absolutely fascinated by the concept that whatever my clients’ needed for their healing was in my room.

What I mean by this is:

  • If I had 6 resource books available (think energetic essences, muscle testing protocols, affirmations/goals, herbs etc.) then only something in one of those 6 books would come up as a remedy. My client’s body would only ask for what I had available.
  • If I had 40 herbs in my dispensary instead of 45, my client’s body would only ask for what I had available.
  • If I was low in stock of some flower essences, my client’s body would only ask for what I had available.
  • If I only pulled out one oracle card deck instead of a handful, my client’s body would point me towards that deck, using only what I had available.

This was true 100% of the time.

(Sometimes it would come up to do some ‘homework’ or something to integrate the session, which may involve something not in my healing/clinic room but that would be for something outside of our session together.)

I’ve come to see how true this is for what we create in terms of our offers and programs too.

Whatever you include in your offer, however you create it, that’s what your clients need. They don’t need anything else.

They don’t need what you haven’t included yet. What you’re creating/have created is whole and complete as it is.

Your offer/program isn’t here to fix your clients.

Creating your offer/program isn’t about you trying to FIX yourself.

Your clients are whole and complete as they are.

You are whole and complete as you are.

When you sit in that truth—that whatever you include in your offer is exactly what your clients need—you get to stop thinking you need to create more, do more or add more.

You are the value.

Not the PDF.

Not the audio.

Not the pretty graphics.

They’re all lovely and can be included of course…

… but only when you sit in the truth that you are the value, your program is enough as it is, and more isn’t better.



P.S. Let’s work together. Learn more here.


I’m Cassie Mendoza-Jones

My work is for you if you’re ready to change your beliefs about what’s possible for you.

It’s time to clear away your blocks, align your energy, and call your power back to you.

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