Ep 61. When only one client signs up

Have you ever stressed about the number of clients who’ve signed up or showed up to a program or workshop?


Tune into this episode and I really believe you’ll start to see things differently. This will support you in showing up for your clients first, and no matter the numbers… which actually helps you grow the numbers by building trust and reliability into your biz.

When you show up joyfully for the clients who are already here, you create an energy in the ‘room’ (your biz) that magnetises more clients in, without gripping or grasping.

If you’d coaching and clearing work to make this feel even easier in your biz, let’s work together.





I’m Cassie Mendoza-Jones

My work is for you if you’re ready to change your beliefs about what’s possible for you.

It’s time to clear away your blocks, align your energy, and call your power back to you.

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Yeah you do. Join me for Express Expansion, a free video series, and let’s balance 3 key areas of your business and beliefs, for expansion from your enoughness.

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