New around here, or just want to dive into some bite-sized programs? I gotcha.

Browse all my offerings under $111 (including freebies), and intend to get exactly what you need from this work, or something better.

Build Your Business Through Belief Workshop

When you’re building your biz, I’d say 90% of the time you don’t need more strategy… you need more belief.

Belief work is the work that changes everything.

It’s the work that bridges the gap between where you are, and where you see yourself being in your business.

Join me for this workshop (the replay is available for you right now) and let’s do this beautiful work together.

Enoughness Workshop

This workshop will support you to trust every business growth decision you make.

In this grounding and healing workshop, you’ll unpack and rebuild elements of your belief, enoughness, and biz, so you have a clearer path ahead, and a deeper understanding of your process of coming back to yourself and your power, again and again and again.

Client Creating Formula

You literally always sign more clients. Imagine what would shift in your biz if you truly believed this?

Join me for this powerful masterclass where I’ll guide you through a process to create your Client Creating Formula, so your beautiful mind can never again tell you that you don’t know how you’ll sign your next client.

Start to Scale

Start scaling your business in a simple, loving, client-focused way.

Which supports you, your clients, and your business expansion goals, without burning yourself out, missing yoga, or opening extra appointment times to try and support more of your amazing 1:1 clients when you’re already feeling at capacity. 

Reflect & Rise

A free business-growth journal.

We know that journaling is a powerful tool for gaining clarity, and sparking creativity and transformation in life… so let’s use it in our business worlds and creative works too.

Download these free prompts designed to help you reflect on where you are, where you want to go, and how you want to expand.

Expanding Capacity

A free, grounding and activating meditation to support you to receive and hold more in your body, biz and life.

And… this is a sneak peek into my forthcoming Self-Powered meditation album. You’re hearing it here, first. 

Express Expansion

Kinesiology balancing for calmer biz growth.

Join me for a mini 3-part energy balancing series to help you call in more clients, more ease, and your next level.

Momentum Workbook

Call in more amazing clients with focused inner work to clarify and amplify your energy, offers, and capacity.

This detailed, beautiful workbook will help you find your flow with your work again, clear away the stress of slow periods without making them mean anything about you or your biz, and help you become more focused, purposeful and intentional with your actions, to invite more clients in.

Download Your Divine Business Plan

I don’t believe in business plans, in the traditional sense at least.

Instead, I believe in trusting the energy of your beautiful business and your own intuitive knowledge… and downloading your Divine Business Plan.

Join me for this workshop and you’ll feel so much more confident about how to communicate with your business and receive the guidance, insight and instructions on your next step, as well as how to navigate the space before the next next step too.

Simple Ways to Step into Your Power

A free masterclass to help you step back into wholeness.

Tune into this free masterclass to help you feel less reactive and more confident, allowing yourself more energy, mental space and clarity to create more of what you really want.

Plus, I take you through a collective kinesiology energy balance to bring you back to your centre.

Balance Podcast Freebies

An ebook plus workshop to support your energy alignment.

My podcast co-host, Kate Kahl, and I have created a gorgeous ebook that houses all of the goals, remedies and readings from each episode, plus we’re offering you the video replay of episode 9, which was our final (for now!) episode of this season.

We can’t wait to share these bonus resources with you.

Cass is a business witch, addressing the relationship between myself and my biz at all levels—body, mind, soul.

She’s phenomenal at assisting with the ins and outs and strategies of my biz while simultaneously pinpointing and activating the necessary belief work, and meeting the energetic body in the equation too.

She’s not of this world; she has one footed planted in this world and one somewhere else, on a different level.

It’s so hard to express in words what I feel like she does. She meets you and your biz at so many different levels and that all happens in one session. She has an ability to pinpoint exactly what it is you need for your business and mindset growth.

Sessions with Cass leave me with grounded clarity, a fire in my belly and a remembrance of who I truly am and the beauty of my unique offerings in the world. Cass is so skilled—I am beyond grateful to have you as a cheerleader to walk this path with me.

– GREER ROSE, Soul Healing Coach & Empowered Birth Doula

Want to slide into one of my coaching spaces? Get in touch and we’ll find the right fit;  I’m right here.

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