Get Momentum
Get Momentum

Twiddling your thumbs wondering how to create more clients?

Let's get focused, intentional and aligned.

In Momentum, you'll:

  • Check in with - and expand - your energetic capacity.
  • Create actual space for more clients, in more ways than one.
  • Do a simple program check, and refine your offers so you aren't working against yourself when selling.
  • Create nervous system safety in showing up and sharing your gifts, offers and work.
  • Honour the ways it's a little bit nice you don't have more clients right now (this works to shift unconscious blocks).
  • Use your extra time wisely, to grow your biz in focused ways.
  • And connect with what, if anything, really needs to be let go of, so you love your biz more deeply.

Essentially, this detailed workbook will help you use slower client periods to actually grow your biz with energy alignment, belief work + simple strategy.

This work will change the way you view a slow client period, and what you do next.

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