Make the move from 1:1 to group coaching (or make it a bigger part of your biz) in a way that feels amazing to you, helps you create more income and impact in fewer hours per week and importantly... deeply supports your clients.

Join me for this powerful workshop for coaches, healers, wellness practitioners and online service-based biz owners.

I know what it feels like to want to work with more clients (in a deep way), and increase your income, without doing a thousand more things, or selling a hundred more 1:1 spots.

I came back to work in early 2022 after having my second baby, and I had less time than ever to make the same amount of money (if not more!) than before. 


 As the months crept closer and closer to when my little boy would turn 6 months old and I was to return to work, I found myself becoming more and more stressed.

I remember sitting on the couch with him asleep in my arms, relishing in the moment as much as I could… while also feeling so far away; zooming into the new year and trying to map out how I’d make money in my biz when I had only two mornings a week to work, and some naps.

I’d run lots of group coaching programs before—my first business coaching program launched in 2015, I’d run a workshop tour for my beloved business and writing program in 2016/2017, and my first business alignment coaching mastermind ran in 2018—so group coaching wasn’t new to me… but now, it had to be extra light on my system, it had to work within a shorter timeframe, it had to feel amazing for me and my clients, and I had to get it all going, with a very small amount of free time.

To cut a (not-that-long, really) story short: I did all that, and more.

In the first six weeks of coming back to work in 2022, I’d sold ~$45k of coaching (a combo of mastermind + 1:1 clients, cash collected and payment plans)… 

… while working in my biz 6hrs a week and on my biz during some naps and for an hour or two a couple of nights a week.   

15 months after coming back to work, I’d brought in 6 figures again, with a high profit margin, and earning way more per hour than ever before.

Fast-forward a few more months, and my biz has just passed its most profitable year.

My masterminds consistently have 5-figure launches, and most of my clients renew 2, 3, 4 times over again.

I’m now making the same each month (and often, more), as I did before having kids, but working way less. I used to work 5 days a week; now I work in my biz 2 days a week plus some naps.    


Join me for Start to Scale where I'll take you through my process for creating a client-focused group coaching program or mastermind, that'll help you simplify your business, condense your marketing efforts, express your creativity more fully and your gifts more deeply, call in dreamy clients who can't wait to be in your biz energy, and earn the same or more income in the same or less amount of hours each week.

Let's scale your biz by scaling your time, energy and magic.

Choose your next level below.
Sign up for immediate access to the workshop + workbook, so you can take action on building out your group program and start to scale your biz.
Grab the workshop and add on a private session while you're at it, for a little extra help with creating your program and building the belief to match. 

I didn't create this work to glorify hustling, stretching yourself too thin, or trying to step away from building deep and loving client relationships.

I created this workshop to do the exact opposite.

In this work, I'll help you: 


  •  Show up more deeply for your clients, while...

  • ... working the same or less amount of hours in your biz, while...

  • ... earning the same or more level of income in your biz, while...

  • ... showing up more fully in your life, because you feel more supported and not burnt out, while...

  • .... guiding you to create deeply supportive programs and offerings that serve your clients, while...

  • ... you get to feel even more lit up by, and in love with, your work, while...

  • ... remembering your innate power, magic and gifts. 
I want to show you what's possible when you lead with generosity, heart, intuition and power; when you make decisions that serve everyone in your space, because you're holding a bigger space, taking up more space, and inviting more clients into your space.

I want you to feel safe in your business. I want your business to be somewhere that helps other feel safe too. Somewhere you can land, while you help others find their feet... without the (hours of) work sweeping you off yours.

I tell you this because, while so much of the online biz space is about extracting more... I know we can do business in a way that gives more, while also allowing ourselves to receive lovingly, and when there are time constraints involved, or you just want to serve more deeply and widely... well, holding space in a group coaching and healing container is a beautiful way to do it.

Whether you’re also coming back to your biz after maternity leave, returning to your biz after a big break or life transition, or you're just ready to start doing more group coaching work... if you’re wanting to start scaling your business in a simple, loving, client-focused way that also creates more time for you (to be with your family, grow your business, write and create more, or…  do more in your life, like be in the garden), you’ll want to join me for this workshop. 

In this workshop, I'll help you:

  • Map out a path to increase your income and impact in your current work hours or less.

  • Get clear on the details, structure, format and intention of the program you’re creating or expanding, so that showing up to teach it and coach in it is one of the best parts of your week.

  • Choose the pricing that’ll be easiest on your nervous system and most supportive to your business and life. 

  • Plan some simple strategy, love-led notes to your people, and marketing options that don’t feel like something you ‘have to do’ but rather, feel like an extension of your work, and a fun way to invite your clients into your group coaching program.

  • Do the necessary thought work and energy balancing so that you can move through the inevitable resistance that comes up any time we do some thing new/bigger like… add in group coaching or move away from 1:1 coaching (so many thoughts can come up here! I know!!!! Let’s smooth them out).

I’ll also take you through the absolute most important beliefs I worked with to help me take my income from $0 up to $6-$16k months.

(See how it varies month to month? This is normal for entrepreneurship—let’s normalise it for our nervous systems too.)

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Here's a sneak peek of the call summary:

  • 0:00 Landing together and pulling a card to begin.
  • 5:49 The difference between growth and scaling, and how to scale your business without working harder.
  • 10:00 The importance of having a clear self-concept and identity in one's business before scaling.
  • 17:52 Cass’ approach to scaling a heart-centered coaching business.
  • 21:44 Scaling your business through belief work.
  • 25:12 Creating lightness on your system, and maintaining energy and trust.
  • 32:15 Reflecting on your thoughts and feelings about scaling.
  • 35:09 Creating a group program and trusting the energy (no matter how many clients attend live).
  • 38:40 Attracting clients and valuing your offerings.
  • 41:34 Trusting there’s no wrong way to do this.
  • 46:54 Iterative program creation and navigating the enrolment period.
  • 49:51 Prioritising presence with clients, over numbers.
  • 52:56 Adapting your coaching program if needed.
  • 58:42 A creative visualisation exercise to connect with your ideal clients.
  • 1:06:03 Outlining and creating the structure of your program.
  • 1:09:45 Pricing and promoting your offerings.
  • 1:17:39 Repurposing content for various platforms.
  • 1:24:37 Business growth and self-care, plus what to do next.
I know this work, works... and I know I can help you find a path from where you are, to a more lovingly scaled biz. (Without sacrificing how you show up for your clients. This work will deepen the way you support your clients.)

It'll also provide stability and flexibility to support you in growing your business the way you want to, because when you don't have to work so hard or so much, you can create even more magic in the space that's been created.

Here's what you get inside:
90min Workshop
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This is the work. Watch and listen, pause and reflect, take time to do the work I prompt throughout the call, and absorb and implement it all in your own way, at your own pace. 
Deep-Dive Worksheet
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This worksheet (well, workbook really) will become your best buddy along the way. You'll problem-solve, brainstorm, deep-dive and do the work that creates the momentum you desire.
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In the workshop, I guide you through a beautiful visualisation to clear and balance your energy, expand your beliefs and connect with your best-fit clients.
Call Transcript
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Wanna grab a highlighter and skim the transcript, pulling text, quotes and examples straight from the pages? Yeah, I so get that. 
Which option feels like a yes in your body?
Sign up for immediate access to the workshop + workbook, so you can take action on building out your group program and start to scale your biz.
Grab the workshop and add on a private session while you're at it, for a little extra help with creating your program and building the belief to match. 
I joined Start To Scale around the time I was returning to work after maternity leave -  now with much less time to work with a little baby.

Within a few hours I had mapped out a new suite of offerings that allow me to work just a few hours a week and make the same if not more than I was making prior to having a baby.

This means I can spend the majority of my week with my little one, make great money and continue to grow my business and serve my clients in a meaningful way.

And I've already started to fill places in my new group coaching program, even before officially launching it.

Cassie has been such a powerful example to me of how to structure your business in a way that’s family friendly and that you don’t need to choose between business growth and time with your kids. You can have both!

 - ANNABELLE MATSON, Coach, Podcast Host & Breathwork Practitioner 

 This program is perfect for you if you’re a coach, healer or consultant who’s had experience working with clients in a 1:1 setting (and perhaps a group experience too) and you’re ready to expand your capacity to serve your clients, by moving into group coaching or an online program.

During the sessions, we’ll work out the specific format that suits your biz, and I’ll be explaining all the options you have for the structure of your program to help you make a decision that feels right for you.

Also: You don’t need to drop your private clients to expand into group work—this workshop is about adding group coaching into your business, but nowhere will I tell you to drop what is working for you.

If you’ve never worked with 1:1 clients before… this workshop might not be the best fit for you, but you’re welcome to get in touch with me and we can have a chat and see if it’ll be a good fit.  

I just wanted to say a huge thank you for your support during the Start to Scale workshop.

I have 5 people in my program and we started last week.

It's been so nice and easy creating the content. It's all feeling so light.

 - JADE HARMAN, Nutritionist 

I had my first new client come through for the offer I created inside Start to Scale!

Thank you so much for holding the container where I could bring the magic of my idea to life. It was magical!

It was perfect timing to join your workshop, and so many beautiful moments that led me to invest in that (and then into the Mastermind), and now I've made financial ROI too. 

 - PAMELLA PRITCHARD, Life & Business Coach for Women transitioning from their Career to Coaching 

And then a little while later... 

There are so many reasons why running a group coaching program is a good idea; for you and your clients.

Running my beloved mastermind has meant I work with up to 10 amazing clients at a time, in 90min sessions each week (plus our monthly co-working session), meaning I get to serve 10 clients at once, instead of 10 clients across 10+ hours/week.

It’s gives my clients deep support, and a space to land.

It allows me to focus so much creativity into one space.

It supports me to work only two days a week, with space for some private clients and other smaller offerings throughout the year, in a way that supports and expands my financial security and stability, while bringing the best of me, to my biz.

Helping you do the samebut in the ways it's going to work for you and your life and bizis why I created Start to Scale.

And it’s why I’ve brought it back now; to help you get set up to run an amazing group experience in 2024.

Come and join me. 💫

You might have a program already in play, or be focused on creating something new.

Let’s map the details and your path to scaling your time, energy and magic together.

Book your spot below because you know you’re meant to do this work.

 Workshop with me to start to scale your biz 

This’ll mean more you for your clients, not less. I promise!

Let me show you how. 

Want to start scaling with deep belief and light attachment? Yes please.
Sign up for immediate access to the workshop + workbook, so you can take action on building out your group program and start to scale your biz.
Grab the workshop and add on a private session while you're at it, for a little extra help with creating your program and building the belief to match. 

Got a question?

Email me or send me a DM on Instagram.

Please purchase mindfully (and heartfully) as I don't offer refunds for change of mind.

As my lawyer hubby has told me to say: nothing in this policy though, affects the rights you may have as a consumer under the Australian Consumer Law. For full sales terms and conditions, please click here.
