This is how many tickets I sold

In late 2019 I ran my very first book writing workshop 

It was a group workshop and I’d opened 6 spots. It was at a super luxe venue (my mum’s interior design office!) and I had planned such an amazing event, with printed workbooks and a gift pack and everything.  

Want to guess how many tickets I sold? 


One ticket.  

So… what did I do? 

I ran the event anyway. 

I emailed my client and explained she was the sole ticket purchaser… and would she be happy to still come along?  

 I was worried she’d judge me or not want to come but actually, she had zero issues with attending solo and was in fact quite thrilled about it!  

And… it was the best.  

We both cried because of what came through to be included in her book.  

We both got goose bumps multiple times throughout the half-day workshop.  

We ate snacks and drank tea.  

And my client was so grateful I’d showed up for her. 

Of course the price was ‘lower’ for this now-private workshop as it’d been set as a group workshop, but I didn’t make this an issue for myself.  

I had the best freaking morning and I left on such a high. We still stay in touch and for every encounter we have, I am hit with gratitude that I said yes to showing up, only for her, because she is so divine and I truly love that I know her.  

This workshop was the seed. 

It sparked the idea to run it as a private workshop and a group workshop.  

It got me extra confident in teaching my own book writing process (and not just knowing it obviously works for me) and the nuances of the workshop.  

I could have cancelled the workshop.  

I could have told her it was a private one now so could she pay more? (Omg gross, I just vomited a bit in my mouth thinking about that.) 

I could have stressed about how she’d judge me for having sold only one ticket. 

I could have… but I showed up and it paved the way forward.  

Showing up paves the way forward, every time.  

A few months later I increased the price of the private workshop and lowered the price of the group workshop and both sold out. 

And then it all sold out a few months later.  

And then again.  

And sometimes I remember feeling the fear and shame I felt at selling only one ticket 

… but then I remember the joy and love at showing up for only one human 

… and how that built my process, confidence and evidence of it ‘working’… 

… and I’m really so glad for it all.   



P.S. Mastermind with me!


I’m Cassie Mendoza-Jones

My work is for you if you’re ready to change your beliefs about what’s possible for you.

It’s time to clear away your blocks, align your energy, and call your power back to you.

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