Navigating a crisis of confidence

I always have the biggest crisis of confidence before my biggest breakthroughs and up-levels 

It used to completely stress me out.  

I wanted to run away and hide from it.  

I wondered what I was doing wrong.  

I unintentionally made it mean I was doing this whole business thing wrong. Ha ha ha, who was I trying to do this?  


Now I still feel the discomfort.  

I still don’t love being in a crisis of confidence. (I mean, who would?!) 

But I know that it means something is happening, deep below the surface, where I can’t see, control or rush the process.  

I know it means I’m about to reach a whole new level of mastery in my skills, thoughts, energy work and coaching.  

I know it might be uncomfortable and part of my brain (okay most of my brain) will wonder why it’s happening, when it’s going to end and what I can do to speed up the process…  

But there’s a voice that sits below the fear… 

… and it says, over and over and over again… this is happening FOR YOU. Stay with it.  

And so I do 

Even though it feels TERRIBLE.  

And you know what?  

It’s always worth it.  



P.S. Let’s move through this work together. It’s so much better together! Join me for the next round of the Aligned & Unstoppable Mastermind.


I’m Cassie Mendoza-Jones

My work is for you if you’re ready to change your beliefs about what’s possible for you.

It’s time to clear away your blocks, align your energy, and call your power back to you.

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