You are who your clients want

There can be such a focus on doing something unique and different and standout  

And I get it; sometimes we think we need to do something different to ensure we stand out from the crowd.  

I have a different take on that though. 

I don’t believe you need to reinvent the wheel. 

I don’t believe you need to focus your energy on being ‘different.’  

I think when you do that—when all your thoughts, energy and intention is funneled into being different—you forget how to be yourself 

And showing up as yourself is the magic. 

It’s okay if your work doesn’t fit into a neat box, a tiny niche or a perfect tag line. 

It’s okay if you don’t use a ‘unique’ tool, process or method.  

It’s okay if your work is you mastering something that people already know about.  

It can still be life changing, mind-blowing, heart-opening and possibility-filled.  

It doesn’t need to be new or different to change someone’s day… or life. 

What makes the difference is that it’s coming through YOU.  

You are what’s unique.  

You are the value.  

You are the key. Not some perfect process.  

Just your messy, real, self.  

That’s who your clients need, and what they want.  

That’s what they’re looking for, and who they’ll find, when you stop trying to be different, and start simply being yourself. 



P.S. The next round of the Aligned & Unstoppable Mastermind opens soon! Learn more and jump on the waitlist here so you can apply when doors open, if it feels light and right for you. 


I’m Cassie Mendoza-Jones

My work is for you if you’re ready to change your beliefs about what’s possible for you.

It’s time to clear away your blocks, align your energy, and call your power back to you.

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