When you connect with your enoughness

Trusting my enoughness is how I’ve built, grown, stabilised, and then rebuilt (after 2 x mat leaves) my business over 13+ years.

It’s how I’ve pivoted, uplevelled, and received the next steps for the new (uncertain, but need-to-be-on-it) path.

It hasn’t always been easy, and sometimes I’ve questioned why I have to keep coming back to it at every level I reach, but it’s been a constant, in a way.

(Like, umm haven’t I been here already? Ohhh okay, we’re going deeper then. Got it.)

It’s the inner knowing that you have something important inside, that is bursting to come through.

It’s trusting the crumbs that lead you to your biggest desires, and then turning them into a whole cake.

It’s saying yes even if uncertainty if present, because there’s more discomfort in staying still, than moving ahead.

It’s saying no even if you think you should say yes, because you trust that the space you’re leaving open, will be filled with something even better. (The third option, that you don’t know yet.)

It’s having the guts to let go of the known path, because the pull of possibility is stronger than your fear.

And it’s the drive to honour persistence over perfectionism, because what you’re working towards needs you, no one else.

Just like we all make our tea slightly differently, or have a different butter to Vegemite ratio preference, enoughness will mean something slightly different to you than it does to me, but whatever it means to you, when you deepen it, and honour it, and let it colour your decisions, pad your path and anchor you into your power, you get to take the actions that lead you to where you want to be, or somewhere better.

Enoughness is what won me an international publishing deal with Hay House, back in 2014, which changed the trajectory of my business, when it was only the week before their book writing workshop that I found the courage to start calling myself a writer, adding that into my self-concept and leaning into that identity.

Enoughness is what whispered ‘Do it’ when I wasn’t even sure if I would write and submit the book proposal that, months later, would change my life.

(Nearly a decade on from publishing my first of three books, You Are Enough, and I regularly receive not only emails from readers, but new clients who tell me they found me through my books, and then stay with me for years.)

Trusting my enoughness led me to downloading the information and then writing six courses in a month (100,000 words in total), for a huge offering that again, changed my life, not only through the clients it brought into my world, or the income generated, but also by the lessons learnt that ended up going straight into my second book, It’s All Good.

It led to me booking $45k of amazing, best-fit coaching clients within 6 weeks of coming back to work after having my second baby in 2022, when my income had gone down to basically zero while I took months off. I came back with a devotion almost like never before, more trust in myself that even I knew I could have, and more pressure to make this work, while I worked in my biz only two mornings a week.

It’s led to building my body of work as a channel, trusting the work that comes through me, and then sharing this over and over again.

It’s led to me expressing my work across multiple platforms (podcasts, books, courses, workshops, corporate speaking engagements and more), even on a tough day. (Like that time I had to pitch myself to a room full of corporates, when I was 7 weeks pregnant and feeling green. I got the gig: a 5-figure, 12 workshop, up-and-down the east coast of Australia speaking engagement.)

It’s led to me being flown overseas for a writing gig, interstate to run workshops across Australia, and hired as a paid contributor to multiple magazines (remember those) and online publications.

It’s guided me to define and refine my work over and over again (deepening it at every level I step into) from a space of valuing what I say, and how I say it (releasing a ton of heavy comparison over the years in order to do so).

It’s meant I feel safe in knowing my inner and outer process for magnetising, calling in, and then deeply serving my clients: over 1,000 clients in my business, and many more thousands through my books, podcasts, workshops, and online presence.

It’s also meant I get to stay home with my babies and trust the pace and path I’m on. Like today, my son is sick, so I’ve rescheduled all my clients, and I’ve been able to be with him easily. I did pockets of work today while he happily played next to me and then watched Paw Patrol for a bit, but I don’t feel stressed that I’m being left behind, or losing pace. The bulk of my work can wait because I trust the enoughness of what I’m here and able to do, and I expand that energy out tenfold, so it reaches the people who need it most.

Trusting my enoughness also means that I can expand and sustain my biz by backing myself, my choices, and my decisions with power.

Powerful decisions come from a powerful centre.

And the relationship you have with your enoughness is at this centre.

This is the work we’re going to be doing at my business expansion workshop, Enoughness.

Join me to:

Deepen your self-belief so you can stop doubting your worth, value and magic in your biz, so you can keep going for the ‘ask’: the clients, the opportunities, the interview, the next level, the big gigs.

Energetically align with your biz intentions, to open into possibility and expansion, even if things haven’t always gone to (your) plan.

Get clarity on your strategy as an expression of your desires, making it so much easier to show up and take action (without thinking you need to get this ‘perfect’).

Make clear and powerful decisions for your current big biz goals, to bring them from ‘one day maybe’ to ‘I can feel them here, now.

We’ll flow for 90mins, and you’ll supercharge your business’ energy, your clarity and your confidence, with your next big goal feeling closer than ever before (no more over-thinking necessary).

Register for the Enoughness workshop here. 


So much love,


I’m Cassie Mendoza-Jones

My work is for you if you’re ready to change your beliefs about what’s possible for you.

It’s time to clear away your blocks, align your energy, and call your power back to you.

Want a free biz alignment kinesiology balance?

Yeah you do. Join me for Express Expansion, a free video series, and let’s balance 3 key areas of your business and beliefs, for expansion from your enoughness.

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