What I love about the mastermind

Ready to move into your next level biz, your next growth edge, and the version of yourself who you will know will make your success inevitable (because, it’s you)?

This is the work we do together in the Aligned & Unstoppable Mastermind.

This mastermind makes the unconscious, conscious, and the (seemingly) impossible, possible.

It’ll help you become more deeply congruent with the level of business you know you can play in, and sit in that space with more confidence.

Here are some things I deeply love, know, trust and believe about the mastermind:

I love the group. I love the women who flow into this container, and how each and every one of them has been guided, pulled or called here for their own reasons… and how sometimes those reasons are communicated more strongly through their bodies than their minds. I love watching their supportive comments flow into our Zoom chat while I’m mid-coaching on calls, and in our private community, and seeing them hold space alongside me for each other through tears, laughs, triumphs, expansion, discomfort and everything in between.

I love that the mastermind is alwaysspeaking to, with, through and for me. New concepts are downloaded when the time is right, new iterations flow in when the container tells me what’s next, and there is always space for the structure and flow required to hold you all exactly where you are now and to guide you to where you want to be. We move back through our core concepts time and time again and we have space for new concepts and classes to flow in. It all always comes through in perfect timing.

I love that we meet weekly. I love that no stone is left unturned because we always have time, space and capacity to look at your thoughts, beliefs, actions, results, growth, discomfort and embodiment at every level, from every direction, and at every angle. I love that there is time to celebrate when things feel flowy and glowy, and space to move through the times you feel stuck, confused and overwhelmed too.

I love that it holds me to a high standard, so I’m always in integrity for you. It’s always asking you and me to go deeper, to come into more congruence, to expand your capacities and mine, and to shatter old beliefs, again and again and again… and as I do for me, so too do you do for yourself. I can’t guide you through discomfort if I’m not willing to go there myself, so the mastermind brings it up for me… and then you. I can’t create and celebrate massive successes if I can’t hold you in yours, so the mastermind shows me what’s possible for myself… as well as you. I must move into my own becoming of the person I am most deeply called to be to create growth and expansion so I can witness you in your becoming, and hold you to your growth, expansion and bigger vision with love. In this mastermind, I create space to see you in your biggest growth and bigger vision, so you can see yourself there too. That’s just what I do.

I love that hierarchies do not exist. I am not better than you, nor you me, or anyone else. We sit side by side. We are eye-to-eye, heart to heart, and we are all better for it.

I love that the mastermind gives you exactly what you need, even before you know you needed it. I love that it really does help you make space for what you want, and how the shifts, results and growth that flow in span every area of life and biz. (See below!)

In this mastermind, I am on your team, in your corner, and holding your hand… the whole way home. 

You belong here, in this room with me, and with each other.  

Learn more about the Aligned & Unstoppable Mastermind and apply here. 




I’m Cassie Mendoza-Jones

My work is for you if you’re ready to change your beliefs about what’s possible for you.

It’s time to clear away your blocks, align your energy, and call your power back to you.

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Yeah you do. Join me for Express Expansion, a free video series, and let’s balance 3 key areas of your business and beliefs, for expansion from your enoughness.

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