The power of the first iteration

I ran my first mastermind program in 2017, without knowing where it would lead.

It led to the next iteration the following year, which was a bigger, more robust, more booked out, more powerful, more profitable version of the one that’d come before, yet none of that detracted from the power of the first iteration… which led to the next and then the next and… you get it.

I ran the first version of my Love What You Create workshop in 2016, without knowing where it would lead.

It led to the next iteration the next year, which included a four-city workshop tour, then moved into an online workshop, both of which were bigger, more robust, more booked out, more powerful, more profitable versions of the one that’d come before, yet none of that detracted from the power of the first iteration.

I ran the first iteration of an online business coaching training (The Business Guide for Solo Wellness Entrepreneurs – gosh it was good!) back in 2015, without knowing where it would lead.

It’s led me to all the subsequent iterations of my business coaching trainings… none of which have ever detracted from the power of the first iteration.

I created my very first ebook back in 2012, not knowing where it would lead me… (to my three beautiful books), and I created my very first online course back in 2013, not knowing where it would lead me… (to every single class, workshop, course, program and mastermind I’ve created since).

And none of the subsequent books or programs or courses or workshops etc. detracted from the power of the first iterations.

The first iterations hold immense power.

Immense potential.

Immense joy.

Immense lessons and learnings.

They are gifts not to be rushed through or hurried past.

They hold wisdom for what’s coming. 

They place roots down that’ll deepen and widen.

You never need to know what the next iteration will look like when you sit down to create the first.

The first is all you need right now. 

And then the second will be all you need then.

And each time you create more, you expand again.

Not knowing where you’re being led is not a problem that needs solving, but an investment into your next download, your next full body yes.

It’s an exploration into the path your deep desires take, of discomfort and playfulness of uncertainty, and into the expansion of your potential…

… all of which sits underneath the banner of ‘I have no idea where this will go… so let’s get started (or keep going) and find out, shall we?’  



P.S.Let’s do this belief work together. Me and you. Good pair! Learn about my private coaching here (we can spend a morning or months together) plus you can register your interest for the March mastermind here.


I’m Cassie Mendoza-Jones

My work is for you if you’re ready to change your beliefs about what’s possible for you.

It’s time to clear away your blocks, align your energy, and call your power back to you.

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