by Cassie Mendoza-Jones | Deepen Your Self-Trust
I used to think that my self-worth was based on my success If things were going really well in my life, I felt worthy. I felt on top of the world. But then if something felt like a flop, I felt about *this* big. Like a failure, like I had flopped, instead of it just...
by Cassie Mendoza-Jones | Boost Your Beautiful Business, Raise Your Writing Confidence
I’ve been thinking about how to write this post for a while (Missed Part 1? Here is it.) I think it’s because to try and narrow down my entire book writing process into one post felt a little impossible, so instead, I thought it might be nice...
by Cassie Mendoza-Jones | Raise Your Writing Confidence
Patience isn’t really my thing You know how some people just aren’t morning people? And how others just never close their locker doors after they leave the yoga studio? (Pet peeve!) Some people are good at being patient. But for me, this is a skill I must...