Stay in your light

You know those times things don’t seem to be going so well?

Your thoughts are a little on the negative side.

You’re worrying a little more than usual (about things that you know you can’t control anyway…).

You spill coffee on yourself when you’re already late.

You have too many emails that need actioning before you can reply to them (ugh).

You’ve been berating yourself for days, for things that really aren’t as bad as you think.

You’re not sure where you’re going in life, even though last week you felt so clear; on top of the world.

Oh, and your phone’s battery is low. Excellent.

If you’ve put yourself down, sometimes you can be the only one to lift yourself up.

If you’ve put yourself in the shadows, sometimes all you’ll see is everyone else’s light.

And then, if we think we’re in someone’s shadow, we deepen and darken the shadow around ourselves.

It can sometimes feel easier to look outside of yourself, than to look within, to see the light and love, the possibility and opportunities, that lie within you.

If you’re being triggered by her success, by his promotion, by her visibility, by his relationship, by her abundance… let it simply be a mirror, reflecting your light back to you, guiding you to where you’d like to be too.

So often when we don’t yet have what we want, it’s for a good reason—even if we can’t see it yet.

It helps to think of this quote from A Course in Miracles: ‘Those who are certain of the outcome can wait, and wait without anxiety.’

You’ll create, align to, magnetise, manifest and receive those things you desire for yourself too, in good time.

And if you don’t?

Something else, something for your highest good, will rush in to fill its place.


Some things I do when I feel my light wavering, when I feel so far away from what I desire:

  • Find something to laugh about (hopefully not at myself, but sometimes, that’s the best way to bring lightness into a situation)
  • Cancel my plans, and go grab a chai from my favourite cafe and sit down with a book
  • Cancel my plans and go to yoga
  • Cancel my plans and sit in my favourite spot in my home, with a mug of tea, and just close my eyes to tune out the distractions and the to do lists
  • Do a kinesiology balance on myself to clear, balance and re-align my energy and my thoughts
  • Spend time off my computer, away from social media, to come back to myself
  • Get some bodywork (a massage, reiki, acupuncture)
  • Watch a good movie on the couch, with popcorn
  • Journal everything out; every fear, worry, concern and negative belief
  • Do a guided meditation to open up into a positive headspace
  • Remind myself that this too shall pass, and that everything will be okay
  • Trust in my self-worth, my strength and my resilience
  • Get clear on what’s working and flowing in my life, and focus my thoughts, energy and attention there

What helps you, when things aren’t feeling so great?


Stay in your light, wherever you are.

Let your light be unwavering, and feel the ground beneath your feet hold you steady.


If you want more support in trusting yourself and surrendering to the bigger plan, I invite you order your copy of my book, It’s All Good.

When you order your copy, you’ll receive the bonus It’s All Good Toolkit I created for you (valued at $77).

And… in this toolkit, you’ll receive my Create Flow (When You Feel Stuck) Workshop plus more resources, for free!

Learn more about book, It’s All Good, and order it here.




I’m Cassie Mendoza-Jones

My work is for you if you’re ready to change your beliefs about what’s possible for you.

It’s time to clear away your blocks, align your energy, and call your power back to you.

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