Shifting the discomfort of receiving with ease

There’ll be core times in your business, when you’ll need to expand your capacity to receive with ease (because you created this, and you can hold more now).

It’s happened to me before—the slight discomfort that I can’t quite put my finger on, when something good and easeful happens in my business.

🎉 A new client signs up out of the blue.

🎉 A workshop sells out without stress.

🎉 A large sum of money, generated from my gifts, lands gently in my account, my bank balance ballooning with expansion.

🎉 An email referring a new client to me.

🎉 A 5-figure corporate speaking gig.

🎉 My book deals. (Well, mostly the first one. It took a while to really energetically receive that.)

🎉 Releasing a new program or product and making a ton of sales before sunset.

🎉 Multiple clients in one week saying “I’ve been thinking about working with you for months, and I’m ready now.”

There’ve been times when I’ve had to breathe through it, to allow it in.

To see how I created this, how I can and have already received it, how I’m holding it now even if it feels stretchy, and how ease (in reaching for new, big things and receiving new, big things) is not only possible once, but available whenever I create it within myself.

It’s one thing to know how to create beautiful goals landing gently in your biz (while, ironically, releasing the how); to shift your beliefs, thoughts, energy, mindset, habits and behaviours so you move towards what you want.

It’s another to create the space to really receive and hold this, and then trust that you did this, and you can do it again; to trust that allowing and ease (and allowing with ease), is actually always available to you, even when things aren’t always ‘easy’ on the outside.

(Because there is a difference between inner ease and outer easy just like there’s a difference between simple and easy.)

It feels like such an irony: to want something so much, and to then almost fight the receiving of it.

But it’s possible to move through that; to get to a place within when it’s not hard anymore, and it actually works, and it’s easier than you thought (remember, not *easy*, but easier).

And to get there, you must breathe in what you’ve already created and received.

You must allow that ease, to become comfortable.

Because you did that (with support from the energy of your beautiful biz, and the universe/your guides/whoever else is on your energetic/spiritual team).

And you’re about to do it again. 🙌🏻

When this has happened to me (it has, and it will again), I’ve found there are 4 main elements to move through and ground into:

1. Finding inner ease, instead of looking for outer easy, and knowing how to create this for yourself.

2. Making space in your body through breath, intention and clearing work, to receive what you’ve created (and especially after you’ve created something big, and noticing how, even if you feel stretchy in having received it, you’re actually already holding it).

3. Expanding your ability to allow yourself to receive the good, without any ‘buts’ (this is a self-concept shift, as much as a nervous system shift).

4. And noticing all the ways it’s true that you created this, and how it isn’t a fluke (which supports you to build processes and pathways to know how to do this again and again).

Discomfort comes with the territory of success, expansion and growth.

Inconveniently (to your mind/nervous system at least), it’s often the fertile soil your growth, grows in.

So getting used to discomfort on your path of expansion is part of not only expanding, but also noticing how you did this.

It can be challenging to look back and reflect on how you created something beautiful in your business. It changes your self-concept. Sometimes, staying connected to the ‘struggle’ feels easier or safer; wiring a new reality into your mind and embodying a new truth in your business, that’s stretchy.

If you think your success is a fluke, you’ll think you can’t recreate this. You’ll work harder, think you’re doing something wrong compared to others, and perhaps even search for what feels easy on the outside (instead of doing hard things, with a sense of inner ease).

And this dismissing of your own power (the power to create inner ease, expansion, and to claim how you’re fully involved in your own success—imagine that?!) can sometimes lead to self-sabotage. 

And while that can mean lots of things to each of us, at its core, I believe it’s about not having created the space or the self-trust to hold what you’ve created.

That means you might:

👉🏻 Have an amazing month in your business, then have a quiet freak out and not show up the next month.

👉🏻 Sign a brand new client ‘too easily’, feel incredibly uncomfortable about it for some ‘unknown reason’ and then be snappy at your family for the rest of the day.

👉🏻 Run an amazing program that ends with clients wanting to continue to work with you afterwards, which you dismiss as meaning nothing at all.

If it looks too good, or feels too good, sometimes it feels safer to create a crack.

There! You say to yourself, and everyone else. It’s not that good, is it? I’m safer now, with the crack, and the imperfection.

You push it away, and by doing so, you push away the part of yourself who created this.

When you don’t allow yourself to receive and hold what you’ve received, you aren’t recognising a part of yourself. When you think it happened in spite of you, and not through you, you dismiss the parts of yourself who worked on this, and brought it in. 

There’s another irony here: when you remember that nothing can ever be perfect, you realise that the cracks you’re creating are actually creating space for your expansion. 

(And that’s why I say, you’re never getting in your own way. You are the way.)

You can have a process to deepen your trust in creating and then receiving the good and the ease that comes into (and really, from) your business.

When I’ve felt discomfort at receiving the good and the ease, I do this:

 I go to the part of me who’s feeling the discomfort. Maybe she feels jittery, rushed, agitated. She’s in my body, so I find her. I find the energy/emotion, and I place my hand there. I breathe. I want to show her I’m safe, and that she’s safe with me.

 I tell myself what’s true right now: I can hold this because look, I’m doing it right now! I’m holding it right now and I’m safe. If it’s a future goal, I look to my future self. I connect with her, and how she’s holding it. I breathe this in. I align with this.

  And in that, I expand my breath out further and further. My energy with it. I ground down and find comfort in this moment. And in that presence, I find the crack where ease can come in. I breathe into it deeply… and let more ease rush in.

Then, a new energy, a next step, come through.

Discomfort on one side. Ease on the other.

A crack that isn’t broken, but actually creates the space to expand.

And the you who can hold this, and so much more, over and over and over again.

Join me in my mastermindbecause this is the work we do.

Full of processes and practices to bring you back to your power center for a deeper business growth experience, alongside impactful trainings, masterclasses and a supportive monthly call cycle (including a monthly private call with me), you’ll understand why so many of clients have stayed on for 1-2 years in this space.

It looks like business coaching, and it feels like energetic alignment, deeper enoughness, and momentum that feels like magic.

Through the processes and practices within, this mastermind has supported my clients to:

👉🏻 Become fully booked (with a waitlist)

👉🏻 Sign new clients into programs before they’ve launched

👉🏻 Sell out full-day workshops

👉🏻 Simplify powerful offerings and sell them without overthinking or overworking

👉🏻 Get hired for multiple, well-paying speaking gigs

👉🏻 Have their biggest months ever

👉🏻 Start podcasts and write books

👉🏻 Prep their businesses for maternity leave with spaciousness and trust

👉🏻 Increase their pricing (and sign new clients right away)

👉🏻 Stop working nights and weekends… and so much more…

… all created from a base of energetic enoughness, and then recreated through the same.

Learn more about the mastermind + join me here. 


So much love,


I’m Cassie Mendoza-Jones

My work is for you if you’re ready to change your beliefs about what’s possible for you.

It’s time to clear away your blocks, align your energy, and call your power back to you.

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