Ep 108. Enoughness in Action

What does enoughness in your business look like when it’s being expressed through your actions?

It looks like showing up (I have a story about this!), and trusting yourself to switch off too.

It looks like creating inner ease instead of looking for ‘outer easy’, and trusting yourself along the way.

Tune into this episode because you’re ready to tune into a deeper enoughness in your business.

And if you’d love to do this work with me, of expanding your business through your enoughness, join me inside my mastermind.

Learn more + book your spot here.



Show Notes:

Come work with me (Coaching With Cass, Aligned & Unstoppable Mastermind, 1:1 coaching, + workshops).
Download the free Momentum Workbook to move through slow client periods, and call amazing clients in.





I’m Cassie Mendoza-Jones

My work is for you if you’re ready to change your beliefs about what’s possible for you.

It’s time to clear away your blocks, align your energy, and call your power back to you.

Your biz has your back

Join me for a free workshop to download your Divine Business Plan and see what gems your biz has in store for you.

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