It’s always an initiation

Moving through my own launch is always an initiation into deepening my own work.

It’s happened before, and it’ll happen again. 

It happened when I was launching my first book, You Are Enough, and I was like what is even happening right now? as I moved through the worst acne experience of my life and had to show up in a big way for myself and my business, while reminding myself that I was still enough.

I was being called into the deepest levels of enoughness. 

It happened when I was launching my second book, It’s All Good, and I was like Oooh my goodness, is this happening again? as I sought to move through big biz and self-concept changes and challenges, with grace and grit.

It happened again when I was launching my third book, Aligned & Unstoppable, and I was like Oh yep, this is happening, again, as I was called to deepen my confidence in my voice and my ability to create what I was called to, with so much self-trust and self-compassion. 

It’s happened before the books (I just became acutely aware of these initiations as I moved towards publication day!), and it’s happened afterwards.

Every single time I open the doors to a new offering, I am being called into congruence and alignment with the work that’s inside.

I run the Aligned & Unstoppable mastermind – an intimate coaching and clearing space dedicated to supporting you to grow your business from your enoughness – do you think I’m not called to do the same, each time I open doors?

Over, and over, and over again. 

And it doesn’t mean anything has gone wrong. 

It means it’s all right good. (Book title plug.)

It means you’re doing the work, and the work is doing what it needs to. 

Now, there are certainly times this isn’t 100% true in every capacity when you zoom in. But zoom out, and there’s a lesson you’re moving through, or have moved through, that supports you to move your clients through theirs.

At the moment I’m meeting an edge within myself, of showing up even more in my business, especially through these words to you.

I’ve made more invitations in this mastermind period than before, because I’m being initiated to remember that my clients who need my work right now, love hearing from me. 

I’ve celebrated financial wins in a way I’ve never done before, because I’m being initiated to remember that my clients who desire their own kind of big success right now, love hearing about my wins.

I’ve backed myself, done the work on, for and with myself, and shown myself how I can hold more than before. 

Whatever I offer to you, know that I’ve moved through it myself.

Know that I keep moving through it.

Know that moving through it at every level you reach, is how you keep reaching new levels.

Join me inside the mastermindto do this work with me.

… the work of finding where you’re being initiated, and then leaning into it with courage, no shame. 

… the work of finding where your edge is, and then moving toward it with self-trust and so much heart.

… the work of finding the place where you’re holding tight or holding back, and then gently allowing yourself to step forward with openness and belief in your own energy, impact, and potential. 


So much love,


I’m Cassie Mendoza-Jones

My work is for you if you’re ready to change your beliefs about what’s possible for you.

It’s time to clear away your blocks, align your energy, and call your power back to you.

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Yeah you do. Join me for Express Expansion, a free video series, and let’s balance 3 key areas of your business and beliefs, for expansion from your enoughness.

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