I almost lost something important to me. Here’s what I did next

As many of you already know, there was a little hiccup days before what was going to be the launch of my new Society.


I was left reeling, and I felt completely out of my comfort zone and out of my own power. Also: scared much? It felt like everything I had worked so hard for was being blocked, and I couldn’t yet work out what the next step could be.

(If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, here’s the full story.)

After the tears dried, I had two choices — I could quit (which wasn’t really an option for me) or I could forge ahead.

But before I forged ahead, I had to step back into my power, find my power source, shake off the nerves, the fear of the unknown, and also the fear of not making the right decisions moving forward.

I didn’t have a of time to make these decisions, as I wanted the launch to move forwards as quickly, seamlessly and easily as possible.


Here’s what I did to get myself and my business out of the “fear” zone and back into harmony:


  • I made decisions quickly, but thoughtfully. Nothing like decision fatigue to make you not want to decide on anything. 4 days after this happened, I had decided on a new name, and set all the necessary and relevant next steps into action. Productivity is king.
  • I had a clarity sessions with my own healers (kinesiology and distant reiki). Clarity is queen, and confirmation I’m on the the right path is gold.
  • I did a lot of yoga. It was one of the only times I could stop thinking about what was going on, and it gave me time to process the new information and energy, integrate the changes, and b r e a t h e.
  • I tried to get extra sleep. 9:30am yoga instead of 6am yoga. A 7am wake up call instead of 5:30am. The extra hours helped a lot.
  • I focused purely on the task at hand, and I backed off from non-essential plans.
  • I let myself take breaks in the middle of the day. An afternoon of tea, soup and The Walking Dead, anyone?
  • When caught between two possible options when making decisions, I imagined myself 5 years in the future. Which one would allow me to feel more expansive? Which one would make me feel cut off and contracted?
  • I hired help. I now have a team of lawyers who have my back. I had already invested so much in this project, but the extra costs were now a non-negotiable. I wanted to feel protected, and I wanted to protect my business from every direction, on every level, no matter what. I also upped the hours of my virtual assistants.
  • I grew up into my business. Doing big things in my business means I need to step up. I had to stop seeing my business as a ‘baby’ or just a little biz in the wellness world, and start to see my biz as a growing, expanding BUSINESS in the business world. And in the business world, as loving and genuine and compassionate as we are in the wellness world, it’s still business, not personal. I had to realise that the issues, the figures, the investment I was playing with was small fry in the big world of business, and I had to step up to take my place. I’d earned it.
  • I had to manage and play and make friends with my fear. There was SO much fear to play with. I sometimes didn’t know what to do with it, so I just let it sit with me, knowing it was useful on some level, but not necessarily needed all the time. I did what felt right to help release it; meditation, journaling, pulling cards. I craved confirmation, but the confirmation could only come from myself, my higher self and my guides.
  • I self-cared to the max. So much self-care.
  • I also tried to see the bigger picture but I also knew on some level that this would become clear to me in its own time.  The bigger picture is this: everything is still going to be okay, more than okay.


This quote found me, and stuck to me like glue:


We must have the daring to be nothing but ourselves if we are to know what true power is.

Danielle LaPorte

To me this quote whispered, ‘Stand up. You’ve been so brave this whole time. What’s a little bit of extra courage? You got this. Be yourself, follow your dreams. You got this.’


The morning after the tears, my mum sent me this text:


“Be proud of how brave you have been, taking a risk and following your dreams”.


So I have a message for you…

No matter what’s going on for you, let the bigger picture become clear when it’s ready to be seen, known and heard.

And also… be proud of how brave you have been, taking a risk and following your dreams.





I’m Cassie Mendoza-Jones

My work is for you if you’re ready to change your beliefs about what’s possible for you.

It’s time to clear away your blocks, align your energy, and call your power back to you.

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