Feeling and acting in biz

Acting brave and feeling brave are two different things, and yet, you need both for you and your business to step into your bigness.

You need to act with bravery to go deeper with your messaging when you think you’ve got nothing to say, while also holding the paradox that the energy and presence of your words, pull in those who need your magic the most.

You need to act with bravery when you land on pricing that feels clear and congruent to you, without getting in the minds of your clients and stressing about high vs. low pricing (high in terms of what? Low in terms of whom?), and to then communicate your pricing, after stepping into the embodiment of the identity of someone who charges this amount for your work. (Whatever ‘this amount’ is to you, without stress or stretch).

You need to act with bravery when you decide to change tracks in your business—pivot maybe even you didn’t see coming—and show up in your fullness, with trust and expansion in the spaces in between.

And you need to feel brave.

To be yourself in your business.

To show yourself through your work.

To step into bigger levels of what you’re desiring for yourself, long before the evidence appears.

To move through discomfort and to be okay with being willing to feel every emotion on the way to your version of where you want to be.

To put yourself ‘out there’ from the desire that comes from ‘in here’, and to keep doing it at every level you reach, through challenges, from gratitude, and for every version of yourself (past, present and future) who’s cheering you on.

Business is bravery, and your bigness requires it.

In the BRAVE Mastermind I’ve created a framework that firstly, fits just so well with my signature processes and the way you already know I work, serve and support my clients 💅🏼 and secondly, will support you to step into the bigness of your beliefs and biz, that you know is here for you to claim. 🫶🏼

The BRAVE Mastermind is built around five key pillars designed to support and expand you at every level in your business, by working on your self-concept first.

Knowing how this work filters through from belief to results, is how you can compound your magic, grow your business in alignment with your highest visions, and feel healthy, well, and supported along the way (no burn out needed). ❤️‍🔥

Learn more about BRAVE and join me here.




I’m Cassie Mendoza-Jones

My work is for you if you’re ready to change your beliefs about what’s possible for you.

It’s time to clear away your blocks, align your energy, and call your power back to you.

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Yeah you do. Join me for Express Expansion, a free video series, and let’s balance 3 key areas of your business and beliefs, for expansion from your enoughness.

Align with the most powerful version of yourself—and build the business that rises to meet herLEARN MORE