Expand your biz without working everyday

In my world, scaling your biz doesn’t mean de-humanising your work.

It means your clients get the best of you, because you’re not burning out, and you’re amplifying your voice and message, and you have more time and space for everything that exists outside of your beautiful biz too.

So everyone wins. 🙌🏻

(And yes you can keep 1:1 work when you scale. I have and I love it.)

When I was coming back into my biz after my second maternity leave, I remember sitting almost frozen on the couch, feeding my beautiful son and wondering how I was going to make the income I needed to make, in the hours that I had.

I had to expand my self identity, almost more than ever before.

Because while I knew I could make a beautiful impact in my business and generate income, could I generate what I needed to, in way less hours than ever before?

Turns out I absolutely could. 💯💅🏻💃🏻

Within 6 weeks of coming back, I had sold nearly $45,000 of coaching in my mastermind and 1:1 sessions, and the next six months of my life and biz settled into the knowing that this income was here, plus more was coming. 💸

It meant that returning to work was way less stressful than I’d anticipated.

In fact, it’s one of the most joyful times of my life and biz (even though I also felt sad at not being with my little boy two mornings a week—I was so lit up by my work too. Two truths can exist at once.)

The simplicity of how I’d set everything up was 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻

The clarity. The processes. The space I’d created.

Don’t get me wrong: I worked hard.

(I love hard work. Working harder? Not so much.)

And I definitely had moments of not feeling like I had enough time to get everything done.

But I always did.

If you are going on maternity leave soon and you would love some support in clarifying your business and all of the moving parts before you take time off with your beautiful baby, or if you’re thinking about coming back into work soon or you’ve just returned, and you want this support now because things are feeling clunky and out of place, let’s work together to make your business feel like a beautiful, simple and joyful place to be again; one that works with for your family, your energy levels, and your capacity and season of life.

And, if where you are currently at has nothing to do with little humans, and you’re wanting to start to scale your business by adding in more group coaching, simplifying your offers and workload, and generating the same or more income in the same or less hours per week, let’s work together to do just that, and so much more.

I’d love to invite you into this expansive work in my 1:1 program, if growing your biz by expanding your group offerings, working the same or less hours per week, and generating the same or more income from your beautiful work, is still on your mind (and in your heart).

We’ll flow for 3-6 months together, meeting at a frequency of your choosing, for private alignment, coaching and uplevel calls.

If you’d love to chat more about working together for 1:1 business alignment coaching by moving towards your growth edge, and expanding your visibility, body of work, and biz, learn more about my 1:1 coaching program here, or  book a call here to chat more. 

I’m here to help you:

👉🏻  Create or clarify your next beautiful offer

👉🏻  Support you to become the embodiment of its message and energy

👉🏻  Expand this out through clear and magnetic marketing

👉🏻  Call in amazing clients and deliver an incredible experience that feels light on your system…

… all while helping you:

👉🏻  Expand your body of work, your capacity to serve more clients, and your self-identity

👉🏻  Deepen your belief in yourself, your business, and the impact your work has

👉🏻 Uplevel your systems so you’re not scrambling to get to your computer and complete a manual task every time a new client joins your program

👉🏻 Generate monthly revenue in a predictable way that means you know what’s coming next month and you can bring your focus back into the present

👉🏻 And fall in love with your work even more.

Ah, how good does that sound (and feel).

If you’re feeling expanded by simply reading that (and you’ve started to visualise what it could mean for you and your biz), and you want in, book a call with me to chat more.

We’ll chat about where you’re at, how much support you’d love, and I’ll give you all the info on the different tiers of support depending on what you’d love to step into.

If you’re desiring to grow your biz without doubling your hours or working every day, I’m here to help. 🫶🏻


So much love,


I’m Cassie Mendoza-Jones

My work is for you if you’re ready to change your beliefs about what’s possible for you.

It’s time to clear away your blocks, align your energy, and call your power back to you.

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Yeah you do. Join me for Express Expansion, a free video series, and let’s balance 3 key areas of your business and beliefs, for expansion from your enoughness.

Align with the most powerful version of yourself—and build the business that rises to meet herLEARN MORE