Challenge the story you’re telling yourself

Challenge the story you’re telling yourself.

Challenge the story that it’s got to be challenging, always. That it can’t be this good; that joy and ease are hard to come by.

Challenge the story that you have to work more than before. That you have to think harder, work longer, or stay at your desk without rest.

Challenge the story that you’re doing it wrong.

That it’s not working.

That it’s harder for you than others.

Challenge the story you’re telling yourself, and you’ll see your challenges in a new light.

Change the story you’re telling yourself, and you’ll change your trajectory, your outcomes, and your results.

Your self-concept will change too; and your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. How you see yourself in your biz. How you interact with yourself, your energy, your dreams, and your field of potential. How you show up for your clients, and how you call them in.

Challenge the story you’re telling yourself and you’ll positively influence and shift your behaviour, habits, and actions.

Challenge the story you’re telling yourself, and you’ll change your window of tolerance for discomfort.

Challenge the level of discomfort you’re willing to feel, and you’ll change the level of success, abundance, and power you’re willing to feel too.

Challenge the story you’re telling yourself, and you’ll tell a different story this time next year.





P.S. Join me in BRAVE and let’s go BIGGER, together.


I’m Cassie Mendoza-Jones

My work is for you if you’re ready to change your beliefs about what’s possible for you.

It’s time to clear away your blocks, align your energy, and call your power back to you.

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