Are you listening?

On Saturday morning, I worked with some amazing women…

(…there’s space for you too) doing beautiful work in the world, and the message of working from your heart—not your head—came up. It makes sense, right? To do your biggest, best work, you need a ‘heart-connection’… that constant checking in with yourself to ensure you’re doing your biggest and best work, not the work you think you should be doing, or the work you think others think you need to do. Gah, even writing that sentence was confusing. Imagine living it! Tiring, huh? So if you needed the reminder, here it is: you can’t do heart-based work from your head. Tune in to yourself, to what lights you up, so you can take the next best steps needed for yourself, your work, your vision, your mission, your purpose, and your path. As I always say: ‘It’s your business, and your choice.’

I write more about this in my new book, Aligned & Unstoppable.

Here’s an excerpt:

To my business owner clients, I always say: ‘It’s your business, and your choice.’ I say this because, well, it’s your business/art/work/career/path/purpose—so it’s your choice! This means you get to choose (yes, really) how you show up for yourself, and how you show up for others. This means you get to change your mind: If something isn’t working for you, you get to let it go. If something feels stuck you can shift it, so it brings in more flow. If you don’t love something anymore, you can let it go (with love). If things are feeling complicated, you can simplify them. If you’re feeling exhausted, you can decide to rest. I could go on, but none of what I write here will mean anything unless (and until) you give yourself permission to change your mind … and do the work that lights you up the most.  

Intuition is your strategy

Intuition is the one strategy I can always rely on; the one that always delivers; and the one that promises to help you build, expand and maintain a creative life and path that’s deeply aligned to who you are. Building your creative life and path based on your intuition means making decisions that might not ‘sound right’ to other people, but that feel so right for you. It means creating that which feels deeply aligned to who you are, without having to look around at what everyone else is doing. It means knowing how to move forwards when you need to; pulling back from work when you know you need a break; making decisions when intuitive hits come through; and not worrying about any external hype that sometimes filters through, because you know how to receive—and then utilise—the intuitive information that comes through, to you and for you. Intuitive decisions might not always make practical sense; but on the flip side, an intuitive decision feels right and sounds right. The time to really tune into your self-belief and back yourself is when the decision you’re making is the one that feels the most expansive, and the most aligned to the greater vision you hold for yourself (even if you now have to dream up something entirely new). How do you start listening to your intuition? You slow down and tune out the noise from outside. You come back to your breath, your sense, your self. You let yourself open up to receive guidance and you let yourself trust it. Although all the puzzle pieces might not fit just yet, you trust that the bigger picture will become clear in time. Are you getting an intuitive nudge about something? Are you listening? Listening to it can feel simultaneously expansive and slightly intimidating (because it can mean your uplevelling is imminent). I find that when the opposite happens (not listening to your intuition), it feels like trying to see through the energetic version of that white claggy glue we used to use in kindergarten. I’d pick an intuitive jump into the unknown that feels equally expansive and intimidating—over staying stuck and stagnant—any day.

Own your truth and pivot when you need to:

  • Follow what lights you up.
  • Believe in yourself and the new the path you’re carving out for yourself. No more second-guessing yourself.
  • Let yourself take risks. Be unashamed of the fact that you’re ready for something different, something more, something new.
  • Let go of how you think others perceive you. Use that energy to fire up your self-belief, and to fuel your own passions and purpose instead.
Learn more about my new book, Aligned & Unstoppable, here. Love,  


I’m Cassie Mendoza-Jones

My work is for you if you’re ready to change your beliefs about what’s possible for you.

It’s time to clear away your blocks, align your energy, and call your power back to you.

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