Align to Sign (More Clients) – Day 7: Actioning & Implementing

Join me for ALIGN to SIGN: a free 7-day podcast series to help you create congruence and confidence in signing more amazing clients into your biz.

Each day, I’ll be setting a kinesiology-based goal, finding the priority point and place to work on in, and then pulling a card from my Belief Balance energy balancing deck and moving you through a powerful clearing, for business growth from your enoughness.

🌿 Breathe in the shifts in your awareness, self-concept, energy and expansion. Anticipate the new-found clarity, and the space created. Expect miracles.

💫 WIN 2WKS FREE COACHING INSIDE COACHING WITH CASS: Listen in daily, fill out the form here (might work best to download from your laptop/computer) and send it back to me by the deadline (details on the form) to go in the running to win two weeks of free coaching and full access inside my membership, Coaching With Cass.

I can’t wait to guide you through these daily business-expansion balances.



Show Notes:




I’m Cassie Mendoza-Jones

My work is for you if you’re ready to change your beliefs about what’s possible for you.

It’s time to clear away your blocks, align your energy, and call your power back to you.

Want a free biz alignment kinesiology balance?

Yeah you do. Join me for Express Expansion, a free video series, and let’s balance 3 key areas of your business and beliefs, for expansion from your enoughness.

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