Your future self is counting on this

You’ll probably never hear me tell a client I think they’re ‘getting in their own way.’

I think it can be a bit gaslight-y.

‘You know that thing you really want? Well, if you just worked harder and wanted it more, if you just did more and took more action… you’d have it. So, you’re obviously either doing things WRONG or you DON’T REALLY want the thing, do you?’

Telling yourself you’re getting in your own way is kinda shaming yourself for going ‘slower’ (than whom?) or doing things differently (than whom?), or

… needing to drop more deeply into your body and biz energy for your next step, or taking a break (wait, better not rest, what if everything breaks?) or

… procrastinating (also known as: being guided to maybe not take action just yet because either, you need to rest, or you’re gathering more information on a subconscious level, or

… things need more space before they fall into place, or

… you just simply don’t need to do the thing yet, or your body has more wisdom than your conscious mind and is saying ‘wait’ for a really good reason). 

Oh yeah. 

If that’s what it means to ‘get in my own way’ PUT ME IN FRONT OF MYSELF!

I’m not shaming anyone who uses this term, enjoys using it, or sees it differently. I used to use it all the time. I’m not cancelling anyone. (That’s so not me.)

I just see this term as not honouring something deeper, bigger and more wisdom-y that’s going on for ourselves; something we can’t always see or decipher, but something that is so often protecting us in big, loving ways (whether or not we love the outcome or result).

Do I think there are loving and gentle ways to nudge yourself forward? 

YES, of course. 

That’s the work I do with myself, and my clients.

I simply don’t think making it out like you’re the problem to solve, is the way to ‘solve the problem’ of wanting to create something that feels big to you right now.

I have a whole chapter in my book, Aligned & Unstoppable, about dreaming big and starting small.

And to dream big and start small, is to start with exactly where you are right now, no perfection needed.

What you think is your biggest business block, is probably your biggest business blessing. 

(At least, when you work with me, it is.)

I help you find business blocks and shift them lightly, without you having to work hard to feel clear.

I want you to work hard, don’t get me wrong.

But not at creating flow and momentum. Not at receiving and landing in expansion.

I want you to work hard at the elements that require hard work, like big creative projects, where deep work and deep flow collide with magical results.

But working hard for business growth and change? No thanks, not here.

I want to work hard at pilates, and when I get to the 100th stair on the Bondi to Bronte walk.

But I don’t want my energetic prep work for business growth, to feel heavy and hard. I don’t want my client attraction processes and creative project creation to be filled with heaviness.

And I’m guessing, neither do you.

Save your ‘hard work energy’ for the good stuff, like creative work, not for trying to clear blocks that are truly blessings, initiating you more deeply into your work, and guiding you back to yourself and your power. 


So much love,


I’m Cassie Mendoza-Jones

My work is for you if you’re ready to change your beliefs about what’s possible for you.

It’s time to clear away your blocks, align your energy, and call your power back to you.

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