When you shift first

Don’t focus on getting itright.

Focus on getting itout.

I love seeing the amazing things that happen for my clients when they shift their focus away from trying to get things ‘right’ (see also: perfect), to instead, getting their work out.

Instead of perfecting their message, they move with the wisdom and knowledge that’s flowing through them now, expressing this with clear and aligned action.

And the more they do this, the more they know and deepen their own message.

The more they know and deepen their own message, the easier it becomes to express themselves and show up with this work.

And the easier it gets, the more they do it. 
(A positive feedback cycle if ever I’ve seen one.)

When you focus on getting it out, instead of getting it right, you create the conditions that allow for momentum and growth to find you, and sustain you, as you sustain the momentum and growth too.

(Ooh, another positive feedback cycle. I’m seeing a theme here.) 
 Like my client who was thinking about a launch plan for her upcoming program. On a call together, and after coaching a bit to create some energetic space, I lightly suggested she could send a pre-launch invitation email out to her clients, before she even considered launching publicly. She felt into this, felt aligned with the idea, we mapped some details, and then she jumped off the call and took action. She messaged me a few days later;she’d signed 3 clients in 3 days,meaning her new program already had clients and flow, months before the official start date. Ah, exhale. 
 Or like my client whoshifted the model and delivery of her signature programwithout over-working, by using past coaching calls as the core materials, and not trying to re-do the entire body of work when she’d actually already created it.Ah, exhale. 
 And like my client whodiscovered an entirely new methodologyfor her work, while sitting in the creative process of doing her work. Not by thinking about it, but by being in it. So much so that she feltmonths of stress fall away, because her path to growth in her industry felt so much clearer, calmer and closer. 
So much shifts when you shift first. 
And helping you shift first (in your beliefs, mindset, energy, clarity, perspective and then calm, grounded actions), is literally my job. (And my goodness, do I love it.) 
Come and shift your business with me, inside my mastermind.


So much love,


I’m Cassie Mendoza-Jones

My work is for you if you’re ready to change your beliefs about what’s possible for you.

It’s time to clear away your blocks, align your energy, and call your power back to you.

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