The flow began flowing again

A little while ago, I ran a live online workshop, and at the time when I’d usually be letting everyone into the Zoom room, instead there were… crickets.

Not a peep.

Not a soul.

No one waiting in the wings to be let in.

I sat there confused, double checking I’d got my own workshop time right, waiting a little, checking my inbox, my DMs, my Facebook groups, for notes from clients saying they couldn’t get in but nope, nada, nothing, no one.

My heart sank. My body dropped. What was happening? I’d been running my business for over a decade and I’d never experienced this before. Something was glitching, but… what?

To say I was not enjoying the experience would be… fair.

Doubt started to seep in.

But before it could take root, or take hold, I took a breath, and made a decision.

I’d run this workshop as I’d planned and designed to, because that’s what I do. That’s who I am. That’s how this goes.

🌬 So I took a breath, centered myself, connected with my enoughness, and did a quick energy clearing to bring my power, energy and magic back into fullness.

💫 I stayed in the room. I kept showing up. I trusted myself to make it work, and make the work, worth it.

💥 Within moments of doing this energetic clearing on myself, deciding to do what I always do (show up!) and beginning the workshop, sans clients…

🌀 The flow began flowing again.

🌀 My inbox began pinging with emails from multiple clients: Cass, the link isn’t working!

🌀 DMs landed: Cass, I can’t get into the room!

🌀 Even a WhatsApp message from a client. I’m trying to get into the workshop, is it still on?

And I realised my clients had been trying to get in… for nearly 30 minutes!

Cool. 🫠

When I go through big energetic biz upgrades, my tech goes down. It’s happened too many times to count over the years, and here it was happening again. The Zoom link I’ve used for years and years (for every client appointment, workshop and coaching call), was glitching, and glitching hard.

Clients couldn’t open the door yet because I was upgrading the room inside, I just didn’t know it.

And so thank goodness, I stayed.

Had I left the room, I wouldn’t have had this experience, this realisation, this reflection; I wouldn’t have been called into deeper levels and layers of my own enoughness, right before guiding you back into yours.

So laughing, and in gratitude at the speed at which my energetic clearing had cleared the tech glitch, that had meant even my emails were delayed landing in my inbox, I sent off a new Zoom link, and those who could make it (plus some new people who now could make it, as I sent the link to my entire list and not just those initially signed up), joined me for a powerful workshop and activation.

The next day, clients began messaging me:

🙌🏻 Jade watched the workshop, and woke up overnight to a new client in her program.

🙌🏻 Jane signed 2 workshop participants hours after the workshop.

And I thought about how easy it could have been to simply jump off the call, but how much power there is in trusting your enoughness in every scenario, situation and circumstance on your business growth path.

It’s the difference, that makes a difference.

Wanna do the workshop with me?

You’ll hear me retell parts of this story, and laugh at how perfect it all turned out to be.

Get the Enoughness workshop here.




I’m Cassie Mendoza-Jones

My work is for you if you’re ready to change your beliefs about what’s possible for you.

It’s time to clear away your blocks, align your energy, and call your power back to you.

Your biz has your back

Join me for a free workshop to download your Divine Business Plan and see what gems your biz has in store for you.

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