by Cassie Mendoza-Jones | Love What You Create
Ooh I’m so excited to share this conversation I had with the amazing Alana Tukuniu. Lana is the founder of Maulu Spa (find her here on Instagram) and does energy healing and massage, as well as fertility and postnatal support. We chatted about: Her experience in...
by Cassie Mendoza-Jones | Love What You Create
Join me for this free business coaching call where I coach clients through: Finding peace with the ebbs and flows of motivation Trusting the timing and leaning into the difference of “It has to happen now” vs. “It is happening now” Relaunching...
by Cassie Mendoza-Jones | Love What You Create
I recorded a bonus lesson for my mastermind crew and I’m sharing it here with you… … because firstly I really believe you’ll find it so helpful if you run/have been thinking about running sales/clarity/discovery calls and secondly, I thought...
by Cassie Mendoza-Jones | Love What You Create
Ever felt a bit miserable in your biz? Um, yah. *raises hand* The energy of misery is draining and overwhelming, and it stops us from showing up the way we truly want to, and finding the joy that exists in our businesses today. Misery says “No one has signed up to my...
by Cassie Mendoza-Jones | Love What You Create
Ever felt too graspy in your biz? *Raises hand* And on the flip side, ever felt like you just wanted to run away from it all, quit and open a plant shop + cafe + bookshop (is that just me?) or spent too long resisting being in all the places you need to be in, in...