Feeling good in business

It feels so good to feel good in business.

It’s not a trick.

It’s not just out there.

It’s not just for others.

It’s for you too.

The peace you can create when you feel deeply aligned with you work; when you trust that your people love you, get you, trust you, want to work with you; when you don’t question your pricing or your value; when receiving feels as good as giving.

The power you can create when you make doubt smaller and belief bigger; when your enoughness moves through every moment of your presence; when you know that the big things you’re made for, were made specifically for you.

The ease you can step into when you feel safe padding your days with space; space to eat lunch slowly in the sun; space to move your body freely without stress of ‘losing time’; space to sit and connect with your body and breath without rushing.

The potential you can tap into when you work alongside your future self; no longer seeing this version of you as something that is light years away but rather, right here guiding you so clearly on what your next step is, to bring you into congruence with all the possibilities that lie before you.

Your growth is catching up to your self-concept, and your work is going farther, reaching more people, and bringing in more energy, and you’re ready for it.

Your vision for your work isn’t just a vision. It’s a feeling. A knowing. A felt sense. You’re where you need to be for what you desire, and you’re meeting it more than halfway.

You’re meeting it here, now, and always.





P.S. Join me in BRAVE and let’s go BIGGER, together.


I’m Cassie Mendoza-Jones

My work is for you if you’re ready to change your beliefs about what’s possible for you.

It’s time to clear away your blocks, align your energy, and call your power back to you.

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