It’s often during our most challenging times that we learn and grow the most

When we detach ourselves from past disappointments and future outcomes, trust our journey and surrender to where we are now, we can tap into a new-found ability to approach our lives with a fresh perspective—one that stems from resilience and a devotion to our dreams.

It’s All Good reminds us that we can trust ourselves and know that we are supported on our path, even if we sometimes feel lost.


Not just a book to help you trust yourself and your own life path, surrendering to exactly where you are right now (which is the best place for you to be), this book will help you integrate the old, recalibrate the new and create (and receive!) what’s next for you.


Through this book you’ll uncover how to:

Come back into your power after a challenging experience.

Release yourself from old stories you’ve created about why you aren’t further ahead than exactly where you are.

Guide yourself through deep forgiveness work to help you clear away anger, hurt, regret, pain and disappointment.

Integrate lessons learned, recalibrate your energy and rise up after experiencing challenges.

Cultivate a new understanding of how to surrender, helping you to flow with life more than ever before.

Be guided to trust yourself more deeply, uncover hidden strengths and step into a new awareness of yourself.


When we surrender to the bigger plan, we can be comfortable with the uncertainty that often lies between making plans and seeing our dreams manifest. We understand that we can take patient, aligned action in our lives, without attaching, controlling or making ourselves suffer through hard times.

When we let go of expectations, we can truly receive our dreams, or something even better.

Filled with practical tips, affirmations, meditations, energetic tools and more, It’s All Good guides us to surrender to where we are, tune into trust, and ultimately achieve the peace of mind that comes from knowing we are always supported.

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Beautiful Bonuses

I made a free toolkit to accompany the book.

You’ll get the:

  • A Create Flow (When You Feel Stuck) energetic clearing workshop to help you let go of past expectations and move forwards toward your goals
  • An It’s All Good meditation album to help you surrender and trust the bigger plan
  • Two beautiful desktop wallpapers to remind you that you’re on the right path

Simply order my book from the links above (or wherever books are sold), then return to this page and follow the link below to receive your bonuses.


Praise for It’s All Good


Cassie has a unique and beautiful ability to meet you where you’re at.

It’s All Good reached me on multiple levels – as a mother, a business owner, and as a woman who is guilty of striving for perfection, placing unnecessary pressures on myself to achieve, and for beating myself up for perceived failures.

Thank you, Cass, for writing the book, and providing the guidance we all need to read, to truly be happy and successful in this wonderful life we are lucky to be living.

KATE CALLAGHAN, Nutritionist, Speaker & Author of Holistic Nutrition


Piecing things back together after a perceived failure is now a little easier with It’s All Good.

Cassie’s gentle words of encouragement along with her simple tools, practices and affirmations remind you you’re not alone, you will get through this and there’s something so much better on the other side.

HELEN JACOBS, Author of You Already Know


The ultimate permission slip.

I can already hear the sighs of relief from thousands as Cassie gently reminds us all that everything, will indeed, be okay. This book offers perspectives and insights that’ll have you reaching for the light again, rather than dwelling in the past.

Practical, pragmatic with spiritual roots, It’s All Good is a holistic journey back to true peace and joy.

TARA BLISS, Author of High: A Party Girl’s Guide to Peace


A must-read for all of us in need of a soul check in, and tune up.

The essential read for anyone looking to get into alignment and master the transformational art of surrendering.

EMMA MILDON, Author of The Soul Searcher’s Handbook


A down to earth guide.

It’s All Good is a down to earth guide to help you surrender, chill out and deeply trust that you are always supported by life, no matter what life throws your way.

REBECCA CAMPBELL, Author of Light Is The New Black

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