Kinesiology Sessions that turn perfectionism into pixie dust

Truth: we don’t actually need to be 100% aligned to feel closer to what we want

So, nope, you don’t need to be perfect to feel more connected with yourself, the vision you so tenderly hold for your life, or the ways you wish to show up.

(And on the flip side: I don’t believe alignment creates perfection either.)

A lot of the time, aligned enough is, well… enough.

It’s enough to feel more in tune with yourself and where you’re being guided; to feel connected with your intuition, trusting of big (and small) decisions; to know when something needs to shift, even if it scares you; and to make big (and small) moves in the direction of what you want (while trusting your pace, your path and even the simpler things like… what you’re eating for lunch). 

I believe you can move 1% closer to your desired state, feeling, outcome or goal, and that 1% can make all the difference. 

My 1:1 kinesiology sessions blend deep energetic clearing and healing work with a hint of NLP and naturopathic support when needed, to help you shift old patterns and outdated beliefs, bring your whole self into congruence, and open up to create and receive more of what you desire, no perfectionism needed. 

I’ve been working with women like you, for 13 years, to help them know they are enough, trust their path, and align more deeply with what means the most to them.

Let me help you align enough, so you can breathe a little easier, believe a little more, and call in what you desire (even if you think you need to do more before it happens).



The work I have done with Cassie over the last few years has been instrumental in my personal and professional growth.

I was drawn to enrol in the Anchor into your Power course and 1:1 sessions with her after bingeing on her podcast episodes.

This was when I was in a time in my life where I was feeling completely lost professionally and most definitely in the fertile void.

I needed guidance and clarity on how to make it through to the other side and this is most definitely what I got.

Not only that, my work with her gave me the confidence to step back into my own power and really move forward into a life that is fulfilling and rewarding instead of playing safe and repeating patterns that are not in alignment with who I really am.

If you are thinking of working with her, just do it. I cannot recommend her highly enough!


Cassie is very special and her gifts make the world (and each of us) better.

I booked a session with Cassie after reading her books. I had a real breakthrough moment when she intuitively gave me a mantra to use and it resonated so deeply within me. We uncovered something I had been holding onto that wasn’t for my highest good. We did some clearing and I felt very empowered and rejuvenated.



Intuitive Energy Clearing: Working with intuitive guidance and my own signature energy balancing processes (including my Belief Balance energy balancing cards) plus several other healing modalities, I’ll pinpoint specific emotions, energies and frequencies that require shifting, healing or clearing, and then help you process and release in simple and powerful ways.

Kinesiology: I blend my intuitive guidance with this powerful energetic healing modality, where I ‘read’ your body (via muscle testing) to pinpoint exactly what your mind, body and spirit needs or wants in order to release subconscious stresses and energetic blocks, clearing your path head.

Alignment coaching: A potent combo of energetic clearing work, coaching, strategy and implementation, to help you take aligned action, and create more of what works for you.

Neuro-linguistic programming: NLP taps into the unconscious mind, helping to make the unconscious, conscious. Through powerful techniques, I’ll help you release limiting beliefs and behaviours, reprogram your mind towards success, and move towards your highest potential. 

A hint of naturopathy: Naturopathy supports your body using the power of nature. It includes nutritional and herbal medicines, flower essences and gentle lifestyle changes which I’ll prescribe to support your whole body health.



Sessions are 60min, held online, and are guided by what you need most, blending energy clearing, kinesiology balancing, and naturopathic support.

I started working with Cassie at a time of feeling really uncertain and deflated.

Her inspiring and aligned energy picked me up and created space for me to grow and learn with ease and confidence. Her sincerity was a real comfort to me, and I love her perception of how she looks at things and finds where alignment is required. After working together for a few months, my creative work now blossoms with positivity.

Our sessions helped me lift and shift energy to where it was needed most. For the first time, I’ve been able to experience the true meaning of self-worth and self-belief. My confidence is increasing each and every day, and I feel motivated, energised and clear on my direction moving forward.

– SARINA THOMPSON, Author, Artist & Entrepreneur

Cass has been an amazing guide for me in developing true self-trust, self-worth and balance, via personal sessions, courses and her brilliant books.

I’ve also had so much fun working with her in on some early-stage business planning. Cass is a genuine delight and joy to work with—she really cares about her clients, is down to earth and real, and provides wonderful support, practical advice, and balanced wisdom.

Working with her has empowered me so much and given me the tools and knowledge to flow with life with compassion, trust, self-belief and love.

– MAGGIE ELLIS, Writer, Communications & Events Manager

You might book a session to:

Clear blocks and come back into a state of receptivity and flow if you’re moving through a big life or career transition, while staying connected to yourself, your biggest desires (even if they seem foggy at times), and your essence.

Reconnect with yourself after a challenging period, recreating the self-confidence you know is still here for you, after you shift old pains and forgive old hurts.

Let go of fears, worries, comparison and perfectionism (and/or learn to work with these and not against them), so you can truly value yourself, your gifts and your path.

Pinpoint patterns of behaviour such as self-sabotage (which is protecting you from something, so let’s find out what) and work to shift this, so you can truly witness and embody your own version of success, in a way that feels safe on your system.

Step into a new level of truth about what you’re capable of, with the beliefs and energy to match, so you can create more of what you want in your life.



Important notes:

Sessions are held online via Zoom (you can record on your end if you wish), and you’ll receive personalised notes and clearings at the end of each session. 

I’m in Sydney, Australia, and see clients during school hours only. 

Pricing is in AUD and includes GST for Aussies.

Upon booking, you’ll be directed to fill out a short form so I can get to know a bit about you.

If you’d love to do this work with me on a continuous basis, you can learn more about my 1:1 alignment program, or get in touch to discuss the options and we’ll make a plan that feels spacious and aligned. 

Ultimately, working with me will help you feel more like yourself (even if you’ve lost connection with her) so the ‘every day’ feels easier on your system, and lighter in your heart. 

The guidance that Cassie creates in these sessions is priceless.

Before I started working with Cassie I didn’t release how many blocks I had created and continue to build – realistically I should’ve been a brick layer I’m so good at it. Working with Cassie helps me clear these blocks and break down the walls. It helps me to open up and experience everything completely. Working with Cassie in kinesiology – it’s magic! Cassie makes our time so comfortable that I’m able to release and open up.

After our sessions I feel awakened and aligned again, clear and free. I’m ready to take on challenges or if needed to I’m simply ready to surrender to what I no longer need.

Cassie’s warm, caring and loving nature in itself lights me up. She isn’t just my kinesiologist, but also a mentor in my business and life.


To say this woman has changed my life is an understatement.

I reached out to Cass for an appointment because I was going through a period where I wasn’t feeling like myself and I didn’t know what was going on or how to fix it.

Cass has helped me in a multitude of different ways to get me back in touch with my body.

She is so incredibly talented at what she does, and every new session leaves me inspired, uplifted, and most importantly, in touch with who I am. I could not recommend a session with Cassie more.

If you’re feeling stuck, flat, off-balance or just not quite right – you won’t regret reaching out to this beautiful gem.

– ALLY MCMANUS, Journalist & Editor of Being Magazine

Our sessions have become not just precious moments of self-reflection but an indelible part of my creative process.

I have found our continuing sessions to be regularly insightful, creative, and inspiring. From my PhD to working as a freelance teacher and writer, I have found in Cassie a firm and unwavering figure of support and encouragement, whose knowledge and practical suggestions are completely invaluable—particularly during the times I’ve inevitably fallen victim to self-doubt and lack of confidence.

From helping me to figure out how I want to work, when I want to work, to giving me the confidence to go slow, rather than rush through, my creativity, to surrender rather than struggle, our sessions have offered me clarity when I previously felt overwhelmed, and helped me feel excited, instead of stuck and tired.

Now that I’m living in the UK, I’m incredibly grateful for the ability to continue to work with Cassie over Zoom, whom I’d now call a friend and mentor.


I’d love to work with you. 



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