Create more of what you want, by becoming all of who you are.
What if it felt easier to create more of what works for you?

What if you knew that there wasn’t only one next best step for you… but an infinite number of possibilities that you can tap into, at any time?
I wonder what you’d do next…
By embodying your personal power, you can actually work less at calling in what you most want (or something better).
That’s because it’s never about actually working harder, is it?
But when we’re caught up in our own stories (about what it takes to move forwards, what we’re allowed to receive, and how we ‘should’ feel as we get there), we can often find ourselves struggling, forcing, pushing and stressing on our way to ‘the top’.
And speaking of ‘the top’, we often think there’s only one way to get there, which relies heavily on thinking there’s one perfect next best step, which relies heavily on thinking that if we were to slow down and release control, everything would fall apart.
But that’s simply not true.
The truth is: there are multiple ways to move towards what you’re creating and calling in with more ease and joy, and they all begin with you stepping into your power, releasing control, and changing your beliefs about what’s possible.

Cassie’s course is like a beautiful, loving embrace that leaves you feeling renewed whilst it transforms the way you see your current reality as well as your future dreams.
Her way of gently presenting her knowledge in such a relatable, down-to-Earth way allows for a deeper understanding of why we might be getting ourselves stuck, what the issue may be, and then how to move forward feeling empowered and with a whole lot more clarity
By the completion of the course you have a fresh perspective on your current circumstances and how you can navigate life in a more positive and powerful way moving forward.
She arms you with plenty of tools and visualisations to enable you to experience immediate energetic shifts as well as knowledge you can take forward in your life and add to your toolkit of ways to navigate around inevitable challenges with more ease and self-compassion.
I highly recommend this course to anyone who would love to find more peace around where they are currently at, as well as those who wish to learn the techniques and mindset shifts that get you from where you currently are to where you desire to be more easily and joyfully.
– Kate Kahl, Kinesiologist & Reiki Practitioner, Founder of Yugen Kinesiology
- Release, reprogram and reframe old, limiting stories about yourself (that are often running on auto-pilot, subconsciously blocking your ability to take action, level-up and receive).
- Stop looking outside of yourself, comparing your path to someone else’s, wondering why you never seem to get ‘there’.
- Lean into possibility, knowing that it’s when things feel uncertain that flow is possible, and knowing that by being in the flow is how you magnetise what you desire towards you.
- Trust how perfectly powerful you truly are; knowing you can change your beliefs about yourself; and trust that what you’re working towards is not only possible for you, but meant for you too.
- Anchor into your body’s innate power (and follow its messages and nudges), trust your own voice, path and flow, and let yourself be grateful for everything you have, while also asking for—and allowing yourself to receive—more.
Are you ready for what you’ll open up into, when you allow yourself to level-up in your thoughts, energy and actions?
(Also, are you ready to know that you might never feel ‘ready’, but that you are enough today, and able to start exactly where you are?)

I created Anchor into Your Power to help you step back into the wholeness of who you are; and that wholeness includes all of you who knows how to create more of what you want, from your natural state.
When I think about what it feels like to know I’m always able to connect to my power (even if I don’t always actually feel connected to it because… life), this is what comes to mind:
- I feel so much less reactive to outside influences. My day has so much more flow, because I’m not looking for it outside of myself; it’s within me, and I can always tap into it.
- I feel so confident and energised when envisioning what’s flowing to me next, and how to meet it with ease, grace and openness.
- I feel more able to sit in my joy of the present moment, rather than stressing about or striving for what’s next.
- I’m so connected to the energy (and promise) of possibility that surrounds us, knowing that when things are in flux, they’re actually in flow. And it’s in flow that I can magnetise what I desire towards me.
- I own where I am, right now (no victimhood, and no story about why I’m not somewhere else in my life).
- I feel so trusting of my decisions, not held back by the past, or those thoughts of coulda/woulda/shoulda that can make us feel so heavy, powerless and stuck.
- I’m easily able to balance taking action, with resting and receiving, without any guilt (hooray!).
- I’m able to easily, joyfully and soulfully envision and embody what I’m calling in next (or something better), without judgement… simply honouring my path and my own timing.
- I trust in my body’s wisdom, guidance and intuitive nudges. I know how to balance, clear and align my energy and it feels easy to do this, knowing I’m supporting my clarity, energy and next best steps.
- And importantly, I can look at the wounded parts of myself and clear them away with compassion, while I continue to rise on my (non-linear) path.
Would that feel like a miracle to you right now?
Because knowing that it’s possible for you to deepen your connection with your most innate, most powerful, and most magnetic self is available for all of us.

The course, taught through video and audio lessons, NLP reprogramming visualisations, collective kinesiology balances, alongside a beautiful accompanying workbook and content-rich bonuses, will support you to release your old ideas about yourself, reconnect with your innate power, expand your beliefs about what’s possible for yourself, and call in what’s next, without having to actually work harder…
… or think you have to fix yourself.

Cassie’s course couldn’t have come into my life at a better time!
I was amidst planning some really bold changes in my life and business, and when things weren’t quite lining up ‘perfectly’ into place I noticed resistance and doubt creeping in.
Using the beautiful balances and grounding techniques in the course, I felt myself come back into alignment and embody the power within to face the challenges, and pivot with grace and ease.
Thank you beautiful woman! Your energy is gentle, so supportive and your journaling prompts truly do have a magical way of tapping into the wisdom within. So grateful for your loving guidance back to trust, faith and flow.
– Karen Harrison, Reiki Practitioner & Coach, Founder of The Happy Co

Cassie, I am absolutely LOVING Anchor into Your Power.
It feels like a deep exhale every time I open a video and watch it. The kinesiology balances are so powerful and add such a great element to the course. I even notice my energy shifting before you start talking. The workbook is beautiful too.
It’s all beautiful and I’m loving it. Trust, faith and letting go of control has been such a big theme for me lately, and it’s helping me deepen into all of it.
I feel so lucky to have the course, it’s like my little treat that I get to work through.
You put into words so beautifully things I intuitively feel, which helps me to really trust that and believe more of that within myself, so thank you.
– Annabelle Matson, Guide, Coach & Mentor
In Anchor into Your Power, I’ll guide you through practices, principles and processes to help you step back into the wholeness of who you are, to help you create more of what you really want.
Blending powerful kinesiology energy-balancing practices with neuro-linguistic programming techniques, and my signature style of guiding you deeper to help you come into full congruence and alignment, you’ll walk away from this course having changed your beliefs about what’s possible for yourself, and then done the work to create and call in more of what works for you.

There is just so much value in this course…
… from the comprehensive workbook to the audio visualisations, module videos and other gorgeous personal touches.
I was captivated as Cassie’s calming voice guided me through each module into a self-paced journey of growth.
This course has provided me the tools to break through limiting beliefs and move into a space of trust, flow and alignment – all with easy to implement exercises and prompts.
– Ashley Murray, Graphic Designer

Here’s how we’ll flow
Anchoring into Your Power
- Connect with your innate power, no matter what’s going on outside of yourself
- Understand—and work with—the difference between power and control
- Clear blocks to recognising yourself and what you can create in your life
- Plus I guide you through a visualisation to help you change your beliefs about what’s possible for yourself
After this module, you’ll understand how to:
- Change your mind about uncertainty, and trust that it actually translates to possibility
- Believe that leaning into uncertainty will be your greatest ally when creating change in your life
- Use the principles of quantum physics to change your mindset about what’s possible for yourself, and how you can step into the flow of possibilities
- Work with uncertainty when manifesting and calling in more of what you really want
Anchoring into Wholeness
After this module, you’ll understand how to:
- Integrate all parts of yourself for wholeness, so you can step out of self-sabotage and into your personal power
- Step back into your wholeness and why this is so important for anchoring into your power
- Plus I guide you through a powerful NLP process to bring you back into wholeness so you can move towards what you want, rather than moving away from what you don’t want (there’s a powerful difference, and understanding this supports your long-term goals and ability to stay connected to what works for you)
Anchoring onto Your Path
After this module, you’ll understand how to:
- Forgive yourself for past experiences or challenges
- Understand why trusting your path can help you love and accept exactly where you are, helping you to move forwards
- Tune into what you really want when things feel icky, challenging or stuck
- Clear away comparison so you can stay on your path
- Be present while also looking ahead to what you want to create
Anchoring into Your Body
After this module, you’ll understand how to:
- Come back to your body, to help you move closer to what you want to create, through working with your breath, movement, energy balancing practices, and visualisation
- Trust that your body is your greatest ally, allowing you to connect with your inner wisdom, receive true answers, and bypass the mind and ego, fear and story
- Learn from your body and honour it even more
- Embody what you’re calling in, switching off the mind and following your body’s messages
- Plus I guide you through four kinesiology energy-balancing techniques, and an audio lesson on how to more deeply honour your body to help you more fully anchor into your power
Anchoring into Your Voice
- More clearly express yourself to others, as well as to yourself
- Create healthy boundaries that support your energy and flow
- Connect with and use your inner voice to guide you to greater self-awareness
- Connect with your voice and deepen your confidence in speaking up
- Trust that strengthening your confidence in your voice will deepen your confidence in yourself, helping you to make a greater impact in the world (in your life, and in others’)
Anchoring into Your Flow
- Embody one of my favourite personal mantras: ‘Stay in your flow, and things will continue to move towards you’
- Release the mindset that you need to be perfect to be in alignment
- Find/create/embody your own version of alignment
- Know what to do when you feel stuck or when your vision feels foggy
- Honour and acknowledge your joy, ease and flow… without worrying it’s all about to disappear
- Deepen your embodiment of ‘flow’ and what it means to you, to create more ease on your path, and in your mind
- Plus I guide you through an audio clearing exercise to bring more clarity to your next best steps
Anchoring into Receiving
After this module, you’ll understand how to:
- Allow yourself to receive more
- Be grateful, and still ask for more
- Enjoy what you’ve received, without worrying it’s all about to disappear
- Plus I guide you through a visualisation to support and expand your capacity to receive
You’ll also receive these content-rich bonuses:
- A workshop to help you start calling your energy and power back to you
- A workshop to help you call in what’s next
- A meditation to release your fears
- Plus a few other bonuses inside each module
- Plus, each module contains a collective kinesiology balance, to help you further shift stagnant energy, open your mind to new possibilities and step into what’s next for you

If you want to create more of what works for you in your life and business, without working harder or putting more pressure on yourself, join me for Anchor into Your Power.

Anchor into Your Power was a phenomenal journey.
The course content and delivery is generous and supportive. Cassie’s teaching is authentic and inspiring.
This program has helped me to cultivate a deeper sense of my power by embracing a nurturing relationship with it.
My intuition guided me to a deeper level of knowledge and knowing and catapulted me to anchor and live in alignment.
Cassie is an incredible teacher, mentor and guide. I highly recommend this program.
– Tara Lee, Guide & Mentor
How is the course run? Can I go at my own pace?
This program is run online, through a combination of a video and audio lessons, visualisations, collective kinesiology balances, a beautiful accompanying workbook, and some content-rich, supportive bonuses.
Once you sign up, you’ll be able to set your password instantly, and be directed to a beautiful membership portal where you’ll have full and exclusive access to the course’s digital content.
You’ll be guided through the course via weekly emails, however you can of course begin the content at anytime, and go through it at your own pace.
Once the course finishes, you retain membership access and can re-watch the course materials, audios, and view/download the digital resources.
Do I need to sign up by a certain date?
You can join at any time, and flow through at your own pace.
How long do I have to go through the course?
As long as you want.
Can I join from anywhere in the world?
The program is already pre-recorded/created and self-paced.
Is there a community space?
Do you offer refunds?
If you’d like to ask me a question before you purchase, please get in touch.
If you’re feeling pulled to create more of what you really want, join me for Anchor into Your Power.