Enoughness Workshop
Enoughness can guide every business growth decision you make
... paving the path to your next beautiful biz level, that new client landing in your calendar, more money generated from your gifts, and bigger visibility without overextending yourself.
Enoughness brings you into deep belief, and deep belief is something you keep coming back to, it’s not something you need to have 100% of the time.

Because nothing that’s natural, can grow or be at full capacity all the time.

And that’s true for you too.

It's not about how long you stay connected to your deepest sense of truth and power, but how many times you return to it.

The more you think you need to be in deep belief all the time in order to show up, share your work, and expand your biz, the further away you'll feel from it.

Because isn't that just another way of quietly telling yourself that you're not enough? That you're not doing enough?

* mic drop *

So, what do we do instead?

We remember our innate enoughness, and its existence, even in the tough moments.

And by remembering, we can return.

By returning, we become more resilient, more resourced.

And those two elements—resilience and resourcefulness—they are the fire and the fuel that form the base you need, to expand your business, grow your body of work, and share the magic that moves through you.

Bringing you and your business into a new energetic environment so you can hold this paradox—that deep belief in your enoughness supports your expansion and that the point isn't to be in deep belief 100% of the time—is elemental to my work, and how I work with you.

Inside the Enoughness workshop, you'll find your centre of enoughness, and then map out clear next steps to close gaps, build resilience, and resource yourself to take the action that feels good in your soul.
 I offered a small group workshop yesterday and signed two participants a couple of hours after listening to the Enoughness workshop. Very fun! Love your beautiful work.

JANE HOLMAN, Author & Energy Healer

I went through your lovely Enoughness workshop yesterday with the intention of deepening my confidence in my program offer and woke up this morning to a new client in the program! Thank you so much, this has been so powerful and timely for me!

- JADE HARMAN, Nutritionist

Come and do this work with me.

It makes business growth decisions easier on your mind, and the impact of these decisions (actual business growth!) lighter on your system.

You'll receive a powerful masterclass + worksheet, for keeps.